Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Finally (!!)

We finally finished the master bedroom wall.  It's not quite the masterpiece I planned (hah), but it works.  I wanted to do all "special" things -- personal and private since no one sees that wall unless they come in the bedroom.

I framed sheet music from the song my dad wrote for our wedding (love it).

I planned to frame our "love" letters we saved from college too.  Turns out the love letters are more like smut letters -- dang, we were horny youngsters.  There went that idea and stopped the creative framing ideas.

The stuff that I framed is all connected to us though (except the baskets which I found super cheap at a flea market with my aunts).  The small boxed art frames are from a local artist -- Krispy Cream and Chick-Fil-A (hubby's favorite).  Ski Utah -- Park City.  Painting of Parker (from DIL named after Park City).  Family photo and framed music.  The picture makes the one basket look wonky, but it's not --perfectly round.

The goal was a wall that was eclectic -- shapes, textures, depths and this fits the bill.

Done and dusted after 2 years (!!)

I found an outdoor console from Pottery Barn for our porch.  Everything I looked at was too big or not made for outside.  This is the right size and stays shaded.  I ordered a shade plant to put on the end that gets partial sun.

I visited the local farm my hairdresser told me about.  Bought 3 tomato plants and one cucumber.  Fingers crossed for better luck.  I also planted some lettuce seeds in a pot.  The farmer told me the greens bonked because of the night temps this spring.  He said the only way to learn to grow veggies is trial and error.  That made me feel better lol.

The little bird who built her nest on our porch shade had the babies.  We can hear them and she's bringing food like crazy.  The nest is too high to see them though.  It's so ironic that we FINALLY can shade the porch and we're on hold until the babies leave the nest.  Oh well.  She picked a nice safe spot from the hawks.  Good job, little mama.

The weather this week is back to spring in GA.  Allergies are back too.  I'm blowing like crazy.  Planning an outdoor park run with Duke this morning.  I'll be nose blowing like crazy.

Cleaning crew did a deep spring clean yesterday -- 5 hours.  House looks great but I didn't expect to be held up that long or pay that much.  I get it though and I'm happy with the results.  It was just 2 ladies instead of 4 so that made a time difference too.  They scrubbed baseboards, cleaned lights and ceiling fanes, moved furniture.  It was a thorough job and my back is super grateful. 

Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.  

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