Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Birthday Boy

Today is my eldest's 27th birthday.  Wow.  Doesn't seem possible.  I'm meeting him at his apartment with Chick-Fil-A and his birthday gifts.  I'm also delivering the pressed bouquet for my DIL.

He was a cutie.  Hubby was about
his age in this picture.

We'll chat about this weekend when I see him.  Big storm moving through the east coast and we might bump the weekend visit back.  We'll see.  It's up in the air right now and you know how much I enjoy up in the air plans LOL.

Guess another opportunity to practice going with the flow.  Hah.

Volunteering was good yesterday but slow.  The head medical doctor stopped by last week and was upset at the lines.  He cut appointments in half and now it's too slow.  Hopefully, it gets fixed.  Administered 2nd doses of Pfizer again -- I like it when the peeps also have some immunity cooking when I'm so close to them (masked, but still).

My allergies were bothering me yesterday so I took Benadryl early evening.  I'm STILL groggy this morning from it.  Maybe I need to try Claritin instead.  Even though allergies are up, yellow pollen is fading fast.  The big rain on Saturday should bring the rest of it down.

Not much to say this morning so I leave you with a grooming picture of Duke :)  Later gators.

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