Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Breath Clouds

It's THAT cold!  First of the season in GA.  Of course, this was at 4 o'clock in the morning (we call Duke a "watch" dog because his times are so stinking precise) and it'll warm to the 70s today.  I can't tell you how much I LOVE crisp fall weather.  Even when temperatures go down for the season, it's not often crisp -- humidity stays here all year.

Anyway ...

I'm walking with my girlfriend today.  She often cancels "walking" dates, but she confirmed yesterday and is looking forward to a long walk.  Yea!!

Hubby still doesn't know if he needs to stay over this weekend in VA.  I need to make a decision about the WHAT for Saturday's b-day celebration for our DIL.  Lots to prepare either way and I need to go to the grocery store for wildly different ingredients depending on what's happening.  Then I need all day Friday to cook or bake or both.

Do you ever feel like when you're PMSing the world decides to throw you some crap?  This is this week.  Without the long story of all the crazies yesterday, I need to go and have my tire looked at this morning.  Possible leak, possible change in temperature issue.  It was almost comical the strange little bugs yesterday.

I finished Britt-Marie Was Here (Fredrik Backman).  It was a sweet story, but her quirkiness got a little bit much by the end.  That said, it was an easy read with a feel-good ending.

Next up is Ghosted (Rosie Walsh).  It's the Jen Hatmaker bookclub selection.  Love story with a suspense twist.  I started it last night.  It's short and will be a fast read once I get into it.

I'm still (slowly) reading Pleasure Activism (Adrienne Maree Brown).  It's good so far.

I cleaned out a few drawers yesterday and I found a book in my nightside stand that I have no idea when/where/why I own.  Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change (Pema Chodron).  Well, that's a timely title.  I also started it last night (to see if I wanted to read it) -- only a few pages, but it's added to my current stack.

I haven't had THREE current reads in years.  Lately, two is the max I'm reading at once.  I have 2 episodes of Hunters left to watch and then reading will take over until I get my next binge series.  I have a couple of documentaries on my watch-list, but nothing else.  I like being on a reading streak.  

I had a zoom call with our high school gals yesterday for my bffs 50th.  (Only one more birthday girl and call left next week.)  It was fun to catch up.  I setup this call and, not to toot my own horn, but it went much more smoothly.  I'll take it upon myself to do the last one too.  This group complicates so much -- simple, simple, simple ... works every time.  

Today is a lot of moving -- I need it.  Treadmill workout, dog walks and friend walk (yesterday ended up raining all day so no park walk with Duke).   And then LISTS.  I'll write an if-then list for what I need to buy at the store tomorrow and decide tonight what we're doing.  It's stuff I don't normally buy so I need to pay attention or I'll miss something.

Have a happy day -- the cooler weather already is giving me some happy feels.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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