Tuesday, September 29, 2020

4 O'Clock

DUUUUUKKEE!  This dog is a persistent early riser.  Up at 4 AM!  The issue is by the time I get up with him, go outside with him, check the yard for critters while he does his "thing," I'm wide awake.  I can toss and turn for an hour in bed and finally fall back to sleep ... just in time to need to get up.

So I'm up.

Good news is it's a crisp, cool morning.  Fingers crossed the rain today pushes out the tropical air.  Looks like the storms came overnight so I might be able to get outside this afternoon.

It's another morning heavy day.  Monti to the groomer and a zoom call for my BFFs birthday.  Coordinating time zones and schedules doesn't leave much room for time negotiation.  Dog walk, workout, shower, etc -- it's all happening early.

Yesterday's coffee got postponed -- too wet to be outside at the coffeeshop.  I have no idea why we didn't meet on her covered patio, but I actually think they forgot.  Works for me.  I might check out the outdoor space before next week, just to see if I think I'll be okay doing it.  I got up, got everything ready ... and CANCELED.  It made for a long day.  

I was in a Perry funk yesterday -- no surprise, so I basically sat around the rest of the day.  Watched more Hunters on Prime (I think I said Netflix before) and read a little, scrolled Instagram, ordered stuff online for baking the next cake (CakeByCourtney -- classic vanilla), walked dogs again and headed to bed.  I'll get my act together better today (hopefully).  This week is a fight against hormones.

Oh, I did post pictures of some of the stuff that came recently.  A little online shopping FUN to fill the spaces.

Nothing else from here.  Hope you find some happy -- I'm looking too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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