This is a full week -- probably one of the fullest since the quarantine started. I'm not complaining ... well, only a little since EVERY SINGLE MORNING is RUSHED. I need to do some problem solving. I tried the kind of problem solving that said nothing booked for morning, but that isn't working and isn't realistic. I need to move some of my morning stuff to later -- that god forsaken gap in the afternoon of nothing land.
I listened to a podcast with Jay Shetty (it was Rachel Hollis who interviewed him -- not a fan of hers anymore, but I still subscribe to her podcast and it popped up). Anyway ... he talked about habits and how TIME is a powerful factor in habit consistency (as well as sight, sound, smell, etc). I never gave TIME a lot of thought, but he's right. TIME of DAY is a big force in my routine -- good and bad. That's why moving my morning routine later is a big deal. That's why I want to eat/drink wine during the witching hours. It's interesting knowledge and can help with both good and bad routines. I knew I LIKED doing certain things at certain times, but never it that much value. It was a good podcast. Lots of talk about WHERE you do certain things too -- giving energy to specific spaces can help form routines. Worth a listen.
What's up early this morning is WINDOW WASHERS. Outside only, but this will be good. Our windows are filthy.
I started The Storyteller's Secret (Sejal Badani) and it's good. The writing draws you into the story immediately. Happy about this read and my virtual book club.
I watched Speed Cubers on Netflix. 40 minute documentary about Rubik's Cube speed tournaments, but particularly about a friendship between the top two contenders. The younger man has autism and it's a great story about how he's overcoming obstacles. And, wow, these peeps are incredible at solving -- makes me want to learn to do it once LOL. I could never get more than one side when I was younger. I wonder if I could do better now ...
I'm trying to get my back and heel fixed enough for some bigger workouts and more consistent workouts, but both are fighting me hard. I have no idea why my muscle-skeletal system is so wonky. I'm hoping for a treadmill interval workout today, but I might need a rest day instead. I'll see how I feel once I get moving around more.
Hope you find some HAPPY in your day -- I'll be looking too. Stay well. Later gators.
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