Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Ramblings

We had a fun hike yesterday.  About 2 1/2 miles, lite hills and shaded -- but it was HUMID.  We're back to GA weather for at least a few days -- muggy and warm.  Lunch was also good and it made for an easy day.  The apple cider cake is one of the best cakes I've made (CakesByCourtney) and the baking cups are AWESOME.  Just peel off wrapper and you have a perfect little cake.  This recipe has no icing (just melted butter, sugar and cinnamon) -- icing would need to be piped or scooped to not be messy.

The rest of the day was a bit of a dud.  I'm feeling all the Perry feels -- headache, fatigue, mood, etc.  I flopped on the sofa and watched a few episodes of Hunters on Netflix.  It's GOOD!  How did I miss this series?

BTW, I give up on Father of the Bride 3.  It might have only been a onetime showing for a fundraiser.  It's a short film (under 30 minutes) and I'll be damned if I can find it.  I checked Friday night up until 6:30 (suppose to release at 6 o'clock).

Hubby leaves today and maybe for 2 weeks.  If he has to stay over, lots of plans are getting messed up.  Dang.  Problem solving to the rescue -- it's the only option.

I have virtual book club and I'm about 50% that I'll attend.  I'm chickening out because of how I feel, but book club is the last Sunday of the month and that will be my cycle for at least a few months.  Why does this seem like such a big deal?  You know what should happen -- JUST DO IT.  I wish it could be in person -- so much easier to communicate.  It's the Zoom part that has me up in arms.  I NEVER time it right to talk so I look like I sit and say NOTHING.

I'm still super grumpy and I KNOW this is all hormonal so I can't wait to get this month over -- I used to only have one big PMS day ... now it's about a week.

I best get moving.  Hubby needs a haircut before he leaves and I hear the dogs up.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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