Saturday, September 5, 2020



S'mores Cookies.  Lots of steps.  Interesting bake (FREEZE dough and then bake at a 400).  Hubby says one of the best cookies he's ever had -- crunchy, chewy, lots of chocolate, hint of cinnamon.  Kids will test them today.  Baked cookies with chocolate is not my thing (I ate some dough off the paddle though -- yum).  It sure is a LOOKER -- in all it's decadent glory.


My neighbor baked us an apple pecan pie as another thank you for watching the cats.  What a nice surprise and very yummy.

Joey is adopted.  Lord let me be this amazing at EIGHTY YEARS OLD!  This woman was the bomb and you better believe I took notes.  Nothing "old" about her -- technology savvy, adored by all her family, active, not afraid to get out in the world, kind, agreeable, generous.  Grandkids kept calling to ask about Joey -- so sweet.

Today is a BBQ with the kids.  I made the cookies and loaded potato salad yesterday.  Not much left to do today.  I planned it that way so maybe my back will hold up the entire day.

Hubby and I are heading on the hike I took a couple of weeks ago.  I want some nature time and he wants to come along.  Since my body is still wonky, I don't mind him coming along (and slowing me down).  I did interval runs on the treadmill yesterday and that was enough.  Today is more of a rest kind of day.

I have an update on all the "things" that I'm doing to get out of the funk.  More on this soon.  Have to get moving this morning with the dogs.  The hike trail doesn't allow dogs so I need to walk them ahead.

Stay well.  Happy Long Weekend -- hope you find HAPPY along the way.  Later gators.

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