Saturday, September 19, 2020

Gibbs Garden Visit

I FINALLY got to Gibbs Gardens.  This is big for me because I wanted to go, yet couldn't seem to make it happen.  Doing something new on my own gives me a little bit of nerves -- silly, but true (Enneagram 6!!).  Now that I know the ins and outs, I'm set to go on the regular.  The gardens are beautiful and there are miles of walking trails on the periphery.  Those trails are dirt, but well manicured and wide to walk.  It was fun -- 4 miles with lots of pretty things to see.  People were around the actual gardens but the trails were empty.  I had no problem staying clear of people and it was perfectly safe.

P.S.  The first picture looks like a flooded trail, but it's a creek -- I was standing on a bridge.  The last picture is a butterfly and bumble bee that worked together.  Butterfly moved and bee flew to that flower.  Fun to watch.

I'm having a tough time keeping my head up high the last two days.  I mentioned the Debbie Downer conversations two nights ago and last night was no different.  Hubby had a difficult week and drive home and it was endless complaining.  Then the news of RBG -- what an incredible hero.  Rest in peace, dear lady.

My personal world is low and our country is low.  It's hard to see the light when I think things will get worse before better.

I also had a chat with my eldest and they're going to move to Colorado in a year after their lease is up.  I'm excited for them, but the change of having them close will be hard.  We'll adjust and it will be great to have a "destination" to visit.  I never expected them to come to Atlanta and we'll have had 5 years with them -- lucky us.  I'll miss my grand-doggies and the weekend times together.  

*Taking a big breath* 

This will be okay.  What's that quote ... everything is alright in the end and if it's not alright, it's not yet the end.

Have a happy day.  We're taking our pups for a trail walk and enjoying some cooler weather.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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