Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Book, New T-Shirts

Since I joined the Jen Hatmaker bookclub, lots of peeps recommending books.  This book was a fellow bookclub member's grandmother's favorite book of all time and she read it recently and LOVED it!  Published in the 1940s and written about the early 1900s.  It's out of print, but available on kindle or audio.  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith).  When someone says it's a favorite of all time, I listen (!!)  

I have an obsession with t-shirts.  This started before COVID and has grown because who in their right mind wears regular shirts right now LOL.  I keep staining my shirts because I'm cooking so much (back to wearing an apron) so I needed new "good" shirts again.  These are my latest.  I've retired the stained, worn ones to workout/cleaning shirts and they'll eventually make their way to the trash.  Green is my color lately -- from home decor to shirts to nail polish.  It's fun to play around with a new color.  (The Green Dress is still on my GOAL LIST, if you were wondering 😉)  The tank top is a workout shirt.   The short-sleeved shirts are from Tabatha Brown -- it's her "signature" saying.  She's so happy and fun on Instagram.

I follow CakesByCourtney on Instagram.  (Side note -- thank the lord for Instagram right now.  It's keeping me connected to the FUN world.)  She recommended baking food cups from this vendor.  They have lots of party supplies (perked my interest for my DIL's shower next year).  I ordered a few themed baking cups and decorations to preview them.  During a pandemic, individual cups are perfect.  Here's the link and I'll post pictures when the goodies come.  BTW, I'm making her fall apple cider cake next week -- looks amazing!

My Mind's Eye Paper Goods

RAIN (!!)  The storm should be finished by evening (that's earlier than thought).  No big winds, thankfully, but just heavy, heavy rain.  So far, all is well.  About 12 more hours to go -- fingers crossed.

Today is a lesson in figuring out stuff to do.  I need something other than a sit-around-all-day plan.  Doesn't help that we woke up at 4:30 in the MORNING.  So much for sleeping in -- I'm wide awake so going back to bed isn't an option.  P.S.  Dogs are totally back to bed and snoring away.  My morning routine will take me until late morning.  I have a few cleaning chores to do and I'm going to pull my first picture box to organize.  I started watching Waco on Netflix.  Hopefully some book reading time too.  It's hard to start a new book -- takes a minute to get vested.

My nail polish order shipped a few days ago -- moss green for my toes.  I hope it comes today.  That would be a perfect thing-to-do-on-a-rainy-day.  My fingers are ready for a redo on neutral beige too.

Oh, one last recommendation.  Brene Brown's latest podcast with Sonya Renee Taylor is one of the best podcasts I've ever listened to -- and that's saying a lot.  It's about way, way more than your relationship with your body.  Can't recommend it enough.  I ordered her book AND I'll listen to the podcast again.  It makes you think (rethink) in the best way.

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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