Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Schitt's Creek

I've tried so many times to watch Schitt's Creek.  I re-watch the first 2 episodes and decide it's over-the-top and not my thing.

But, "everyone" has it on their Top 10 list of shows and I've run out of things to watch.  So I tried -- again.  By episode 4 I was hooked.  I FINALLY see what the hype is about.  Funny, warm, inclusive.  I need to slow down and savor it a bit.  If you haven't watched it, go for it.  Give it a minute if you're like me and not sure ... you'll love it.

I'm a little stuck on a book, The Broken Girls (Simone St. James).  It's not bad, but it chapter switches between past and present and I can't seem to get hooked enough that the switch doesn't make me put the book down.  Sometimes switches work, sometimes I think it's lazy story telling.  It's a mystery that is leaning toward a ghost story.  It'll probably be a bad guy with a hint of a ghost story that lingers.  I'm plugging along since I'm only 25% read.  I can't remember who recommended it ... it was someone on Instagram.

The Kona coffee came in the mail.  I'm saving it for my birthday.  I'm STILL trying to salvage some fun for the big day.  I'll have new pajamas, special coffee, ladybug cake.  The Green Dress is probably a pipe dream at this point.  I think I'm too far to get there by my birthday.  Still working at it though.  Bloat from my monthly might be skewing my perspective.  If I could get back to running, that would help.  Running works like nothing else for slimming down my arms and legs.  My heel is okay for walking, but still hurts barefooted and on stairs -- no running yet.

A couple of things happening today.  Phone call with my bestie -- catch up call.  Phone call with my BIL for his trust stuff (ugh).  Date night with hubby.  Burgers and potatoes for dinner ... The Newsroom episode for our series night.  We've watched 2 episodes so far and we like it.  Not sure we'll watch the entire series, but it's good for now.

Still nothing much to report.  I guess that's the product of a pandemic.  Hope you stay well and find some happy today too.  Later gators.

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