Tuesday, May 5, 2020

On a BRIGHT Side ...

... I got my monthly yesterday.  Boy, that was a lead up.  Things are a-changin' but I was "on-time" this month.  Headache is over.  Still working on the rest, but I should be back to myself by tomorrow.

An upside to quarantine during this time is I can sit and sleep and rest ... no fighting through feeling lousy.

Weather front coming through this afternoon and temps are dropping for the rest of the week.  Glorious!  Anything between 60-72 is perfect.  Above it, I'm complaining.  Below it, others are complaining.  Hitting a sweet spot.

Hubby doesn't have his employment contract yet, but it's in the works.  No boxes left to check.  Looks like he's heading to work.

I'm slowly adjusting to my anger over people and sloppy precautions.  Coming to accept I have no control over them and their happy hours and I need to do what I need to do to keep as safe as possible.  I was starting to float the idea of grocery store runs every week, but I had to let that go -- 2 or 3 weeks at most.  I'm holding firm through May to see what happens.  We have a plan for June to start to open ourselves up (hubby will be in VA).  Fingers crossed our plan is enough.

Once again, I'm short on words this morning.  I'll rally for tomorrow.  Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

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