Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Back -- Again

Good morning.

I tossed my back unloading Costco groceries.  Honestly, why do I have so many muscle, joint, ligament problems?  It's not horrible -- I was able to sleep.  Certain positions and it seizes up when I'm walking.  I've been happy about doing more yoga since I can't run (hello, heel) because the stretching is good for my back.  Is it?  Dang.

Anyway ...

I'm meeting my girlfriend for our park chat today.  She's going to be up my way, so we're headed to another park.  Hopefully we can find the perfect empty shade area again.  In-person makes me happy. I'm also glad to check out how crowded the park sidewalks are during the day.  The trails are full, but the sidewalks in the park are usually empty unless sports are happening (which aren't).  I need a place to walk Duke because he's bored.

Tonight is scheduled to be our family zoom call (all the gals) but no notice yet.  I bet it's over now that areas are opening up and no one is technically sheltered in.  My Florida cousin is acting like there are no restrictions and she's out every night with groups of people.  I'm not in the mood to hear from her.

Hubby starts his job on Monday if all goes as planned.  I'm feeling lots of feelings about it.  More than I expected.  It's COVID that's making me nervous.  Keeping him safe is all that's important.

Our year punch list was due on our house in March.  It was put on hold and now they want to start the work.  Every single room has something -- nail punches, settlement marks, etc.  We're asking for a postponement again.  Opening up is happening too fast for my liking.  I'm a bundle of nerves.

Will and trust updates were not simple.  We need to redo everything because we live in GA.  The process is starting so it'll get finished, but not for a couple of months (most likely).

Yep, stress.  Some would say that's why my neck and back have been wonky.
(Always a disclaimer ... I KNOW we are fortunate and others are suffering in horrible ways ... this is my personal stress not meant to undermine more serious situations.)

P.S.  No chicken at Costco so the new recipe is on hold.

Stay well.  Happy Wednesday -- for those of us who need a reminder (ME!!).  Later gators.

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