Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Fun Rabbit Hole

I don't need to explain about what a poop bag 2020 is ... for all of us (!!)  I started 2020 with a grand plan for such a fun numbered year when my eldest was getting married, I'm celebrating #50, big trips, etc.

We know that ended quickly, but I moved to plan B, then C, then D ... you get the idea.  All a no-go.

Good to feel good -- or not.  Guess this is "opposite" year.

So I sit, goal-less (except ... of course, The Green Dress), mostly fun-less and feeling super low.  I was ready to lean hard on A Course in Miracles group for wisdom, balance, etc and the exact OPPOSITE happened.  (Opposite Year)  P.S.  If you've ever tried to understand this book alone, it's darn near impossible, so self-study seems futile and the group is not an option for me right now.

Cue Jen Hatmaker and her love of the Enneagram.  Her latest podcast series is a deep, deep dive into that world.  I listened to the first podcast because I needed something light and non-COVID related and then I was HOOKED.

Turns out there is a whole lot more to the Enneagram.  Jen says it was one of her biggest spiritual evolutions (and she comes from a faith background).  It's grounded in self-discovery and growth.  I thought it was a fun, trendy thing (spoiler alert -- it's been around for decades).

Perfect.  Something I can learn from home.  It's insightful, but fun.  No people groups needed.  Books, videos, podcasts, etc.

I have a new "goal" ... explore the Enneagram.

This might sound kind of pathetic, but I need SOMETHING.  I need new and fun and interesting and helpful -- AND something I can do during an unpredictable pandemic.

I'm going to have some fun and explore this more fully.  I've taken the free test online at the prompting of my life coach last year, but the full test is recommended ($12).  I'll give updates as I explore more.  Right now I'm savoring the fact that I have SOMETHING to look forward to so I'm pacing myself.

I'm excited!!

Jen's giving away goodies every week and you bet that I entered.  Fun.  Just what I need.

Have a great Wednesday (this week is going quickly).  I have a dentist appointment out in the land of germs.  Wish me luck.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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