Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sofa Slug

Yesterday was sponsored by Netflix ... Anne with an E ... all day long.

I didn't set out to have such a non-productive, do nothing day, but it happened.  First, the show is AMAZING!  Second, Tulip LOVES to cuddle on the sofa.  Third, hubby is sick and spent the day upstairs away from me (hopefully, I stay well).  Forth, everyone is away for the long weekend.

Seemed about fitting.

I'm back today to the land of DOING CRAP and have a big list to get through.  Grocery store, rescue calls, paperwork, etc.  I also need to take my little Duke for a run.  Poor boy is going stir crazy.

Sometimes you have to call a play on the field and go with it.  No shower, no workout, no nothing.  Day of a stay-cation or a veg-cation, as it were.

Tulip is settling in -- she just wants to be with a person.  She's so popular, the rescue made her available for adoption rather than fielding so many inquiries.  She's been with the rescue for over a month while they waited on her leg brace (another foster and boarding).

Mimi and Bear are settling in per adopter reports.  Dog pictures coming later ... I'm in bed typing this while Tulip is cuddling and don't have my "stuff."  (I sleep her in a crate at night -- she's too little to be in the bed -- so morning cuddles are a MUST LOL).

Tomorrow I'll be back in my office and back to regular posting.  Later gators.

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