Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Tire is fixed ... $34 ... plus a complimentary car wash and vacuum.  Not bad at all.  Almost 3 hours of my time though -- that was a bummer.  Good news?  I finished Dear Edward (Ann Napolitano).  As promised, it became a heartwarming, uplifting story.  I'm glad I stuck with it.  The menopause book in up next and I need another fiction pick from my list.

And AAA was EVERYTHING!!  Arrived in 30 minutes.  Took 10 minutes to change the tire.  Nicest mechanic.  I'll never be without a membership and I'll never change my own tire.  There, I said it.  I don't care.

I was tired yesterday.  Tired of driving (the home check was way out in the country).  Tired of waiting around (it was extra, extra long).  Tired, period.  I made a choice to pick up Tulip (Toolie) on Friday instead of today.  I need a couple of days to get myself caught up (and not be on a long drive with my leg).  Refrigerator is scary empty.  Friends have been on the back burner.  Time to care for myself before I'm caring for a new foster.

Look at this little lady!
Her leg brace is forever,
but she handles it like a champ.

You know, I enjoy a rainy day, but this is wonky weather.  It won't stop raining.  Everything is flooded, soaked, muddy, miserable.  I thought today was the end, but it's the start of another 2 day front.  Ark time?!?!  I miss being outside -- walking, hiking.

Today is a ME day.  Not exactly sure what that will look like, but I'm taking some time to enjoy myself.  Lunch with a friend, maybe take-out for dinner (grocery stores on Thursday).  A little Netflix.  I started Anne with an E and it's awesome.  These were my favorite books growing up (I had a lot of favorites!!)  I wanted to name my daughter Anne (only had boys though).  Memories -- books were a big part of my childhood.

My Duke needs some attention too.  Nothing at all for him to do (he HATES being wet LOL).  I think a Starbucks run and a pup-cup might be just the thing. (P.S. I've been waiting to use this - hahaha.)  Can I also say, not having a convenient Starbucks has dropped my consumption at least 2/3rds -- no joking.  I'll probably do more in the warmer months, but YEA ME saving $$.

Hubby comes home very late tomorrow.  He and his friend are both sick.  Yikes -- I don't want the germs.  Hopefully, he'll be on the mend before he gets back.

I accidentally problem solved my chair situation.  With or without the cushion, the angle is wrong for my leg.  I use it for a little while and then take it off.  I tossed it under my desk and just happened to put my feet on it.  Problem solved.  Angle is so much more comfortable.  It takes the pressure off my leg totally.  That was a nice surprise.  I have such a problem sitting -- always have, but it's getting worse as I get older.  Runs in my family too.  That's why car rides are the pits for me.  I hurt after about an hour and it stays the entire day.

My mood has lifted.  Hormones?  Stressors?  Thought work?  Not sure, but I'll take it.  I was SO EMOTIONAL this week.  I cried every single day -- multiple times.  I start my meditation and am sobbing by minute one -- SOBBING (!!)  Who am I?  I went with it and figured I must need a good cry.  I'm curious if I'll cry during meditation this morning too.   Am I "healing" or am I going CRAZY?  That's the question of this season - hah.  Maybe the menopause book with offer some clarity.

Mid-week.  Make it a good one.  Later gators.

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