Monday, February 17, 2020

4 - 10 Years

Prepare your hearts -- this could be a pattern for the next many, many, many years.  How I wish I was kidding!!

I'm EMOTIONAL again.  Post ovulating ... I'm I getting hit with a double whammy each month?

Yesterday felt yucky.

First Mimi problems.  Mimi was never introduced to her brother dog in the home until yesterday (we had no idea) and it didn't go well.  Duh.  She's protecting her new life.  Calls all day long, crying on and off (what the heck), upset stomach.  The founder of our rescue is out of the country for 3 weeks and everything is falling on a very overwhelmed little group.  Energy and responses were charged and I was crashing with each interaction.  Solution options happening this week.  If Mimi can't live with another dog, she's not coming back to us.  She'll go to a foster with no dogs or boarding (which she loves, BTW) until we can get her adopted.  This is upsetting on so many levels.

Then Tulip.  She's NOT housebroken as they said.  She's totally the opposite -- with diarrhea.  It's another Aspen situation.  Everyone wants her and now no one wants her.  She's going to be with us for a lot longer than expected.  "She just needs a home for a week to get adopted."  Nope.

Dentist today.  Why, Universe, why?!?!?

I need to prioritize my "things."  I tried so many times to do a meditation yesterday and kept letting myself get interrupted.  The things help.  I'm sad though and sad means I feel like doing nothing (aka let myself get interrupted).  That's my intention today -- make time to do what helps.

I can't seem to get a stable emotion base lately.  Things are throwing me left and right.  Something happens and then a shit-storm piles on top.  I do okay for a bit and then I can't keep up with all the add-ons.

Fun Monday morning hello -- right?!?

Fortunately, for all of us, I have to run and take dogs to potty (again) so this Debbie-downer post is over ... for now.  I hope to report all things better tomorrow.  Later gators.

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