Thursday, February 20, 2020

I Need a Vacation

It's not often I feel like I need to get away -- I usually feel like I want to stay home.

I hate to type say out loud, but I'm up to my eyeballs in rescue work and I need a break -- from people especially, but kind of also dogs (sounds horrible).  Tulip has explosive, bloody diarrhea.  She didn't get to the vet yesterday because there was a snafu.  Poor baby feels puny.  Her potential adoption is all wonky now too (long, long story of 2 competing friends who don't want to upset each other -- ugh).  I spent the day on the phone with ALL THE DOG THINGS.  Mimi's failed adopter is pushing to get a refund against her contract and bugging me like crazy too.

I declared a break for my pedicure.  I'm shutting off my phone (!!)  Then bloody diarrhea and waiting for the vet appointment -- so nope, phone ON and still no appointment.

But, I did okay yesterday.

Pedicure chair was broken and to compensate, I got an extra, extra long massage.  YES, thank you!  I decided to give my kindle a quick charge and promptly left it on the counter because diarrhea-gate hit.  It worked out well.  I shut my eyes and RELAXED.  It felt good.

I know it seems like I shouldn't NEED to relax -- my "busy" is relative, but I needed an emotional break.  I focused on breathing and enjoying the massage.  My toes are my favorite blue/gray and I'm happy.  Today, is SNS and eyebrows.  If Tulip needs her appointment during that time, I'm calling in a favor to hubby and he's taking her.  (I okayed a full week ski trip for him in 2 weeks -- this is small in comparison, right?)

I'm trying to let go of the Italy annoyance.  It will work out or it won't.  If it doesn't, I'm finding a wellness spa and doing exactly what I want -- no compromise.  I've set my boundary regarding my "driving the planning bus" with the group and that's that.  If a decision takes too long and flights are too expense, I'm out -- just as I said.  I have no problem that people might need a few days to think on their decision, but they all saw the message -- you could at least acknowledge it.  Even if it's to say, I need a week to look into it.  That's the part that's going up my butt -- it's rude in my book.  But, being annoyed gets me nowhere but mentally somewhere I don't want to be.  Big breath and letting it go (*trying*).

I can't wait to get away this weekend.  This is my FAVORITE conversation friend in the universe.  We could talk to the end of days and it's never boring stuff.  I don't care what we do, I only want to have girl time and take care of NO ONE but me.  I need a mental recharge in the biggest way.  She is easy and fun and decisions aren't a chore -- no overthinking, no peacocking.  I should go to Italy with her - hah! (BTW, Austin is where Jen Hatmaker lives -- wouldn't mind running into her and becoming best friends.)

Pete's Paleo delivery has been processed.  I'll start it on Tuesday when I get back.  I hope this helps with portion control and food boredom.  I've been eating well, but still too much.  That said, I feel in a good place to tackle fitting into my clothes.

My intention for today is to go with the flow.  Have a good day despite circumstances.  Problem solve and not throw my hands up in helplessness.  I always have choices, but I'm quick to forget that when stuff gets messy.

Later gators.

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