Friday, February 28, 2020

Italy Decision Day

Or at least trying to decide.  We have our conference call this morning (thanks, Facebook audio).  There are a number of scenarios that will opt me out.  Not least of which is the virus situation.  I don't want to be quarantined or have all everything canceled last minute.  If everything comes down to a last minute decision, I'll miss the opportunity to have my CELEBRATION year in other ways.

I don't think Italy is in the cards for us.  Too much stacked against this trip.  Holding my breath to see if everything works out -- from planning to executing.  It's not feeling GOOD.  I agreed to this last push and I'll see what happens.  What I won't agree to is another "holding" period.  I can't wait and still do things I want to do.

Pantry is finished, but everything is scattered around the kitchen.  There was a missing part, so the install took ALL DAY.  I need a fresh brain to organize everything.  Tackling it after the Italy phone call.  Pictures tomorrow.

I'm very happy with Pete's Paleo as a way to portion a healthy dinner.  Lots of variety, super easy, awesome customer service ... but not cheap.  Once I fit into The Green Dress, I'll stop the service.  My only "complaint" is the flavor.  Definitely missing seasoning (salt) ... I have to add flavor to every dish.  I had pot roast last night and added horseradish.  Guess it's better than over-seasoned.  Far, far more healthy than Jenny Craig (but just as easy).

I'm slightly panicking about the wedding shower I'm throwing for my DIL.  As expected, it's a very, very small group.  I need to put on a problem-solving hat and get this thing planned out.  Logistics are against me at every turn.  I keep finding solutions and then something changes.  I have to get to the winery to reserve tables (they won't do that for me) and transport A LOT of things.  First, my sister was coming -- nope, too stressful since her husband had surgery.  Then, my sons were set to help -- nope, it's the bachelor party weekend.  Then, my girlfriend volunteered to be my right hand gal -- nope, her daughter is moving that weekend.  I have no help.  Even though this is a small group, it's a lot of DYI and I can't do it alone.  I might need to call in friend favor from the periphery ...  ugh.

On a positive note, I ordered shoes, earrings and possibly a clutch for the wedding.  Earrings are vintage.  Shoes are low wedges (fingers crossed).  Bag is vintage and I LOVE it, but the clasp might be broken (in conversation with the seller).  I need to get something solidified.  I'm scared my dress will not come in from China.  Still haven't worked out my hair either.

2020 is NOT shaping up as I envisioned.  Trusting it's coming together just as it should though -- periods of trusting, periods of panicking.  Of course.

I'm full blown into a panic mode after writing this down.  Best way to quash the panic is to FIGURE STUFF OUT.  I'll work more on that today.

Happy Friday.  Later gators.

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