Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dog Day

Mimi goes to the vet this morning for her spay and a 9 day boarding to heal and get ready for reintroduction to our Duke.  She and I have bonded (I'm no longer afraid she might bite me).  I'll miss her, but not the isolation due to her heat.  Morning cuddles ... I mean, come on, she's adorable!!


Bear heads to another foster to get that smooshie face GROOMED!!  We'll take both littles to get out of the house this afternoon for the ride -- Duke would go crazy to be left home.  Monday, Bear is getting adopted.  2 hour drive to AL for a repeat adopter.  It'll be worth the drive -- this should be a fantastic home for him (assuming her dog likes it LOL).

It's muggy as all hell today -- rain for the next 3 days.  Miserable.  Fun with 2 little dogs who hate being wet -- hah!  More on life catch up later.  Early morning to the vet.

Dogs days of winter, for sure.  Later gators.

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