Friday, September 14, 2018

Random Stuff and Happy Friday

First, a complaint.  It's SEPTEMBER and it's going to be 93 in Atlanta today.  What the what?!?!  Good lord, where is FALL?!?

This leads me to my next thought.  Workout today.  Today SHOULD be a rest day and I can feel my muscle fatigue.  The problem is tomorrow I'm meeting a girlfriend early morning for a Market Fair.  Trying to get up, exercised and to the market is pushing it - it'll need to be an early rise and shine.  I'd rather rest tomorrow.  If I choose to exercise today, I have to be ready soon because HOT!  A couple of hours to warm up the old muscles and then a workout would be more appealing.  I miss you treadmill!!

In happier news, the Universe was glad I took a good attitude yesterday and rewarded me with confirmation that both situations were actually the POSITIVE take.  All is well (as it always was) and I didn't dwell in a fantasy of negativity all day.  A win - I'll take it!

I'm meeting a friend for lunch today - high school buddy.  We meet for lunch about twice a year.  It's a good conversation and I'm looking forward to it again.

My nails are done and looking fine!  I wanted a deep purple on my toes, but it looks black after the second coat.  It's okay, not my favorite, but I needed a pedicure so anything is an improvement.  It even looks black in the sunlight.  I had a polish change on my fingers - neutral taupe.  You can see the striations from the SNS applications - like growth lines on a tree.  I think I'll keep to the regular stuff for a little while.

I started a book yesterday - sort of - if you count a couple of pages in a MASSIVE book.  Sequel to Pillars of the Earth ... World Without End (Ken Follett).  Pillars of the Earth is one of my favorite books.  I bought the sequel years and years ago in hardback. It's served as a decoration book stack since then.  Runs For Cookies blogger mentioned she's reading it and it sparked my interest again.  I barely scratched the surface - it's a long one! I have to decide if I want to read it in hardback (or pay to download it to kindle).  Book-form means to doesn't come with me anywhere (it's so BIG).  It also means that other fiction will be on the back burner for a LONG time since I'm reading through all the self-help books at the same time.  Decisions, decisions.

Sun is up.  Time to get outside (blah and ugh).  Later gators.

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