Saturday, September 1, 2018

Lake Day

Well, our first "fun" night wasn't as fun as I expected.

My mother's husband was diagnosed with stage-3 aggressive prostate cancer (he ignored elevated PSA levels and chose no follow-up for 3 years because he was too embarrassed about the exam).  It's upsetting and that set the stage for me feeling worried and sad, etc.  We found out as we were leaving for dinner.

Then the service at the restaurant was really bad.  I've been there many times and we usually have great service.  We were there early and the servers weren't busy, so they were goofing around and NOT serving the tables.  I agree that it was annoying - overly busy is one thing, playing around is another.  They were so loud that it made it hard to talk.  That continued the tone of a not-fun night.

I had a couple of beers on tap - bad idea.  It upset my stomach so I didn't eat my dinner (I ate it when we got home later).  That made hubby even more agitated about the evening.

I emotionally ate and drank (and PMS ate).  NOT a win at all.  We didn't have a great time.  Hubby couldn't shake the grumpy mood, so everything was an annoyance (drivers, people on the street, cars parked, radio). He wasn't nasty, just grumbling about everything.  That made me even more upset and more in a I-don't-care-mode.  UGH.

Today is a new day (funny how that happens).

Green drink is happening, warm water with lemon.  Today is a rest day for working out, but I'll walk Duke and get some movement in.  Based on my mood and the calendar, my monthly can come any day this weekend.  Day swimming in a lake and who knows about my period.  Not good.

I need to rally, but most of my mood is PMS (it's a doozie this month) and I don't think much will change until IT happens.

Dang.  This fun weekend has taken a turn.  I'm going to try to turn it around to fun again.  I feel yucky - my stupid stiff neck STILL, headache from caffeine and monthly, tummy rumblings from last night, PMS sweats.  I want to stay in my pjs and watch Netflix all day (Ozark new season released yesterday).  That's not in the cards though.

Last little complaint.  It's just us and another couple which is normally perfect.  Given how I feel, the thought of carrying conversation, acting bubbly and energized ... it's daunting.  If only it would rain!! LOL.

Okay, off to rally something better.  Later gators.

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