Monday, September 24, 2018


Rain all week!  Temperatures in the 80s .  I'll take it.  (Only wish my treadmill was set-up - still waiting.)

We had a fun weekend.  PGA event was exciting with Tiger Woods.  I didn't take any pictures - phone in my bag, lazy present in the moment.  Here's a picture our friend took of Tiger - we were close to watch him at several points.  I'm not the biggest fan anymore, but you can't argue with a comeback like this.  I've seen him golf once before.  There is no other like him at this point.

Tiger Woods mopping the sweat.
Have to trust me it's actually him haha!!

I kept to healthy stuff and added in the non-healthy stuff.  Usually, when I am "non-healthy," I abandon all healthy so this was a change.  I made a good lunch on Friday and then we went for a hike instead of happy hour.

Don't let the long sleeves fool you - it was hot.
I'm wearing my swim top to block the sun!!

P.S. This picture reminded me - hubby and I "celebrated" 31 years since our first date.  September 23.  And it was a wild celebration - grocery store sandwiches, football and PGA on TV.  We almost forgot the day.  Love this guy (even if he drives me mad sometimes - he'd say the same about me LOL).

The ladies (no guys) went to an hour long meditation class in a new yoga studio Sunday morning.  It wasn't good.  It was suppose to be guided mediation - visualization, etc.  All she did was talk and talk and talk about ignoring thoughts that came up.  Repeating it so much there was no space to actually meditate.  The first 15 minutes was information on your body.  The total class time was less than 45 minutes.  Dang.  I had high hopes, but it's a no-go.  I can't find a meditation class locally.  I like group meditation.  The yoga studio was beautiful though.

Boxing last week was a surprise - different instructor and I LOVED it.  I hope the instructors start to change up a little.  And they added new classes on Monday and Wednesday.  This is going to be a boxing week with the thunderstorm weather (probably - unless we get some dry mornings).

Today was suppose to be a yoga class with a friend (at that new studio), but she changed it to lunch.  I had a feeling that would happen.  Oh well.  Trying out a new place that's fresh, healthy Mediterranean - so it says.  That leaves me open for a workout today or not.  I could use another rest day on my legs.  Maybe an arm lifting day with abs??  Or that new boxing class?  I don't know because I didn't have an alternate plan.    If I workout hard today, it leaves the rest of the week mixed up.  Decisions, decisions.

I'm glad to be back to my "normal" routine today.  I have time this morning to "list" out my week.  Company always has work on the front and back end of the visit.  Lots to catch up in the house.  I like people, but I like space.  I had the people, now time for the space.

Happy Monday.  Later gators!

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