Friday, September 7, 2018

I Declare a Day of (Almost) ME

This was quite a week and I'm glad it's over (hopefully).

I need ME time in a big way.  I'm not even talking about special ME time, I'm talking about my ROUTINE.  It's been fragmented and rushed all week.  It's been a week where everyone NEEDS something from me - little to big.

When I want to take time for myself (no matter how small), it's met with eye rolling and criticism.  I want to watch TV for a few minutes ... what??? this stupid show?!?!  Then everyone talks over it, giving me no consideration.  That kind of thing.  I worked hard this week for everyone else.  I'm not asking for work back, not even asking for appreciation ... I'm asking for RESPECT.

And this week I've felt yucky.  My neck and back are struggling.  I had a lousy monthly time.  I've had a headache all week from my neck and monthly.  No one wants to give me a break.  Do this for me, do that for me, do this better, be better, etc.

My workouts are stressful.  No treadmill.  Hurt back/neck.  Working out is the foundation for my day and it's not going smoothly.

Hubby is out of town for the weekend visiting his brother who lives in a group home.  I need this time to regroup and recharge.

Me, me, me, me!!!  (And dogs and Releash stuff - but mostly ME!!)

PHB is cruising along and I'll write about it this weekend.  We have our first BIG assignment about our negative roommate (NR).  I'll tackle it tomorrow.  Hopefully, I feel better and be ready to think more clearly.

I have pictures to post too, but I'm not feeling well this morning.  I might even think about going back to bed (shocker!!).  I might need to go to the acupuncture doctor about my neck.  It's really messing things up.  The idea of back-to-bed is so appealing - I think I'll give it a go.  Later gators.

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