Weightlifting HARD makes me sleep soundly. And it was HARD. LOVED IT!! I have the STRENGTH bug in a big way. It seems I made a "jump" in my strength this week (and it was noticed) - fantastic. Anissa says it's because I'm finally honoring REST days. Touche Anissa!
And I got an A+ on my eating log. I'm a sick teacher's pet. It's a thing. Always has been. Oh, that perfectionist all-or-nothing permeates lots of areas in my life. Serves me well sometimes and you know the rest.
But this morning I'm basking in my progress (the witching hours will tell another tale lol) ... I'll take the win moments. Waking up CONTENT, HAPPY, ENERGIZED ... I needed this boost.
The witching hours should be shorter tonight since I'll be running around all afternoon. Hubby has a business dinner so I need to be careful this evening.
Funny story, I came across a recommendation for a meditation app -- calm.com. It's a fee based service but sounds like the help I need to move mediation into my routine. I signed up, error ... signed up again, error. Then I get worried it is billing my card each time. So much for a relaxing experience lol. I haven't figured it out yet (but nothing billed on my card so far). I'll try again once I'm sure it's not billing me. The Universe is making me work hard for this -- prove I want it, I guess.
Okay - that's all I've got this morning. Planning to notice the HAPPY today. My INTENTION for today is CALM. Later gators.
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