Yesterday was a very nice day. The move-in went smoothly, the dogs met (and eventually got along) and the nest is now full.
Dinner was great (minus a wacky, strange server lol). I had lots of good choices to make - perfectly compliant. My "splurge" was kick-up deviled eggs - YUM! Dinner was an aged filet and roasted veggies. I stayed clear of bread basket and the vino -- both without much effort. It helped that I was still feeling crampy and I actually have HALF my meal for left-overs. That never happens.
I am grateful for this challenge. The last few days I've been on solid ground. It's been awhile since I've felt strong and confident. I don't want to jinx it (ha ha) so I'll leave it at that.
I have circuit training this morning. It's a fun class. I'll try for "single" again on the rotation, but I will go with the flow either way. Last week was amazingly hard - LOVED it. I wonder if today will be scaled back a bit. Lots of people sore and tired on Thursday - she might ease up. I'm well recovered - hello extra rest day.
We are dog sitting for the day today. I'll use the time at home to cook some stuff. And that's it. No plans yet. We are playing it by ear. I'm thinking a movie night in the basement sounds fun, but we'll give the kids some room if they want to have the basement. It's their first weekend together so I'm giving them space and choices.
I'm a gal of few words this morning. Off to make this a HAPPY day and my INTENTION is POSITIVITY ... go with the flow with a SMILE on my face. Later gators.
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