Thursday, February 2, 2017


I have a lot on my mind lately.  Two BIG things -- the current state of our country and a personal worry (which is too long to elaborate).  It's apparent by my dreams last night how much this is all weighing on me.

I'm trying to deal with both.  One should resolve soon (or at least we will know what we are dealing with).  The country - that's a long haul.  I need to dedicate to a daily meditation.  I'm not sure why the resistance -- maybe I'm making it too complicated (i.e.. workout room, in position, with monk-music) -- or maybe I need to JUST DO IT.

When I'm worried about big things that I don't have control over (just control over how I react), I tend to get overwhelmed by the little stresses.  Thankfully, I'm not someone who "lives" in anxiety.  Mine comes situationally.  I also want to eat/drink my worry away.  Yes -- that's helpful lol.

After vivid, stressful dreams last night, I woke up feeling anxious.  It's slowly dissipating.

Okay - enough power to the WORRY.

Today is another HAPPY day (should I choose this mission).  I have an earlier lift (legs only - HARD and I come home to do a couple of arms).  Then some errands.  I think I'm going to get my nails done today.  I'm toying with a new color.  I LOVE my neutral -- it's perfect, but something different is fun. I often get an american, but at this salon it's not the same cream.  Should I go back to my old place for an american??  Should I get a new color?  Should I try something new?  Yep - CRAZY!!

I might take my sweet dog to the dog park again.  He loves it.  My ankle has been acting up (it does this sometimes) so walking him is not great for me.  I'll play it by ear.

My eating has been spot-on and I'm feeling the benefits.  Feeling good, eating well -- all help me get through my worry-time -- so much better than eating my stress.  Well, I hear the washer bell.  Time to get those sheets finished.  Later gators.  Off to have a HAPPY day.  My INTENTION today is to LET IT GO!!

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