Friday, November 11, 2016

Still Asleep!!

I might have time to bust out a quick one this morning.  My company is still asleep - yes!  I have to admit (I bitched hard), the visit is going well so far.  Maybe this is the start of something better??

I did very well sticking to my W30 yesterday.  I wanted to join in for cocktails, but I resisted (they have several drinks every evening).  Tonight is the big b-day bash and I will be drinking and eating.  Not horrible on either front (hopefully), but enjoying a "worth it" moment.  The dinner is all W30 compliant (except the potatoes which I can't eat anyway - too much dairy).  I just need to stay clear of the cheese tray and dessert.  Both have been my downfall lately.

Lifting was fantastic yesterday.  Today is an interval run on the treadmill.  I planned at least one outside run this weekend, but big forest fires are blowing lots of smoke into the area - actually burns your eyes.  So might be all treadmill and home tabata.

Nice and busy day today.  Yea - it can be hard to entertain company all day by myself (conversation runs dry) - so busy works!

Okay, I hear some stirring.  I have confidence in making today a HAPPY day - strengthening that HAPPY muscle - later gators.

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