Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I made it through the visit.  Hallelujah!

GNI in last night - did okay with the wine, not as good with staying clear of dessert.  OOPS.  Live and learn and forgive.  I did an amazing job over the visit sticking with my plan.  Blowing off some steam last night was fun.  Worth it??  Maybe not, but no horrible harm this morning.

Now to get back to it - IMMEDIATELY!!  That is and always shall be a major key in this quest.

My really long eating and drinking events for these few months are over.  I accomplished my goals of staying healthy while enjoying myself.  What's left for the next 2 months are shorter events (just a weekend away or a big meal ... aka Thanksgiving, etc).  I need to keep diligent since even little things (GNI) can derail me pretty significantly.  And they are coming fast and furious.  I need to moderate for some of the events or overall it will be too much.

I'll look over my calendar this week and make a plan.

My workouts are going well.  I need to be careful with the lifting ... my back is a bit twingy.  I think I need to schedule a massage too.  I'm visiting Dr. Sun today for an adjustment and work on my knee.  He does seem to have a magic touch.

Next stop is Thanksgiving week.  Super busy and super fun.  Lots of cooking for the family.  Family pictures ... lordy, I need to figure out what to wear!  It's one of my favorite time in the holidays.  Early in the season - I'm not worn out from cooking - it's great to have the kids home too.

I will keep super clean with the eating before Thanksgiving.  That will be a big eating and drinking night.  And I can't make any of my regular workout classes that week.  I want to come out the other side still healthy, HAPPY and feeling like I enjoyed it all - but didn't overdo to the point of feeling crappy.

After my adjustment, I have no big plans.  I need to start a to-do list for the big week.  Tonight is a TV-watching, relaxing with a fire kind of night.  Can't wait.  I still have some baked goods left-over from last night I put in the freezer.  If I even look twice at them, I'm throwing them out.  Wasteful - yes - but I need to be careful.

It's good to be back at it.  After all the variety (some great, some not-so-great) of the last 2 weeks, I'm ready for a bit of routine for a couple of days.  BALANCE - it's a good word.  So is HAPPY and that's what my focus is today.  Later gators.

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