San Francisco or bust! I'm so excited. It's going to be a fantastic anniversary trip (#24). Lots of fun, lots of relaxing and lots of HAPPY (since that choice is all mine).
The flight is long and late, but I'm upgraded with my hubby - what could be better?!?
Tomorrow holds no plans except dinner. We are free to relax and sleep in (if we want) and explore the city. City walking, people watching, random exploring - makes me feel all hip-and-happening lol.
First, weightlifting. Then meeting hubby in our city for lunch before heading to the airport.
My new hiking boots came. I think they will do the trick for ankle support. Hike on Sunday looks like a-go. I'm packed in the mega big suitcase. Fall boots are space hogs and we might bring back some wine. Hubby will flip when he sees the big bag lol. Oh well - got to have my cute boots. Fall weekend in California = big bag; 10 spring days in Spain = carry-on ... go figure.
My ankle is tender still, but holding steady. I hope I can treadmill run while I'm gone (I don't feel safe running outside in an area I don't know - I get zoned out, lost, etc).
You may have noticed, I deleted a large part of my post yesterday. After writing it, I didn't feel good about putting family issues out in cyber-space. I don't see these family members often and I need to put my big girl panties on and deal with it. I'm glad I {edited} - stuff in writing holds power and I don't want those thoughts strengthened.
Sleep last night was odd. I had a bonafide nightmare - the real deal. Woke up sweaty, heart racing, momentary confusion - so I turned on the lights and read until I felt better. Strange. Then I woke up early morning feel like I'm getting a cold - ugh. Took some meds and headed back to bed. I hope I'm not getting sick.
I will be back next week with stories to tell lol. Until then folks ... be well, be HAPPY.
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