Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Physical Therapy

PT was interesting.  I really liked her -- super knowledgeable and very enthusiastic.  Night and day from the last time.  I won't take you through the details, but I need to work on positioning my back before I begin strengthening.

This means a set of ONE movement 6 times a day.  It's basically up-dog with a little modification.  Oh my god my arms and upper back are already sore.  60 of these movements everyday AND sitting with a bolster on my back to engage my postural muscles and keep the position of my spine.

Here's the kicker.  Things might get bad before they get better.  Cue big old anxiety about PAIN again.  I hardly slept.  I'm acting like I'm injured again.  Walking tentatively, moving tentatively.  It's all mental.  Dang.  I need to STOP IT!  

Fingers crossed in a big way.  This is a big movement week with the hike on Wednesday and garden volunteering on Friday.  She said to go ahead with both.  Don't add anything new, but don't change my normal activity. Why?  Because we need to change only one variable at a time.  I'll see her again in 2 weeks and she's taking away the heating pad.  Eeek!!  I sit with that everyday for my lower back muscles.  She thinks it's not good for the ligament sprain though.

Breath.  I wonder if I'm getting an extra monthly this week -- sure feels like I'm a bag of emotion.

Anyway ... garden club meetup today.  It's about high heating gardening.  Immediately after is my coaching call that I'll do from the car.  I'm not sure about the subject yet. 

Very early morning to get to the hike tomorrow.  I might not check in until later.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

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