Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Birthday(s) fun, work and socializing are done and dusted.  I made it :)

The cookout was nice.  We played corn hole and hung out.  Low key.  Dinner was good.  Only picture I took was my garden pickings for the morning.  

White cucumbers, little tomatoes,
herbs, mini eggplant,
and MORE peppers.

Today SHOULD be a coaching call.  I didn't get the email reminder so I messaged the help desk.  They confirmed with the link for the call.  Still no email reminders (should have them 24 hours in advance too).  I'm not confident this is happening AND they charge $50 for a missed call.  I'm sure they'll wave it if it doesn't work, given the issues, but I hate how this little "problem" gives me the worries.  

I have a week "off" before we get the grand-dogs for a long weekend.  The next couple of days are early mornings (cleaning crew and hair appointment) but then some glorious NOTHING days with no time clock on anything.  I can't wait (!!)

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

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