Friday, February 10, 2023

The Garden Begins ...

I did a little itty bit more with the Little Free Library -- took off hinges and door so I can paint it more easily.  I probably won't do anything else until next week since I have a full weekend.

Picked up 2 new library books, but with familiar connections.

Same author as the Haunting book.
This is the only one the library has
from this author and it's good so far.

2nd in the series

Planted 2 pots of radish seeds inside.  Some say you can, some say nope, but I'm giving it a try.  Grow little ones.  Radishes are one of the easiest and fastest veggies to grow.  I learned this too late for last season so I'm giving them a try for the first time.  I'll plant outside too once the temps are higher.

I'm signed up for an easy hike this afternoon.  It was a FS thing because I normally won't stack social things.  Coffee this morning and heading straight to the hike.  I haven't been able to get out in the woods this week and I know it'll feel good to walk about.  It's an hour each way, but most hikes are a distance.  Hubby is home and the rain is stopping this morning so I'm going for it.  Only downside --  no bathrooms and I'm coming from a coffee date.  Looks like a stop will be necessary :)

I started watching Kaleidoscope on Netflix.  It's a heist series with a unique twist.  The episodes can be watched in any order.  I've watched 2 so far and it works.

This weekend is gearing up to be a fuller calendar.  Townhome search has started and we have an open house to go to on Saturday.  I'm hosting the Super Bowl at our house and looks like it's going to be a full cook session with a signature cocktail (per request).  Coffee and a hike today.  Nice mix of stuff.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

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