First the Garden Club trip to the Botanical Gardens. I want to see the orchids; I don't want to go with this group. I think it'll feel like that overwhelming social energy that depletes rather than restores me. Maybe I'm wrong and I can experiment with some of the smaller events. Sticking a big toe in the water rather than jumping all in.
So I messaged the 2 leaders of bookclub and asked about a field trip to the Botanical Gardens again (we went in 2021). Looks like we're going to give it a go unless the group vetoes it. Problem solved -- maybe. And if this doesn't work, I'll head over with a friend or myself if I really want to see the orchid garden.
My DIL and I have plans to go see 80 For Brady this weekend. A friend had suggested this movie a couple of weeks ago and I was torn. I want to go with my DIL, but what about the loose commitment to my friend. BTW, this is the friend who cancels or postpones regularly. Since we didn't have actual plans, it's not exactly the same but it walks a line. Solution? I invited her to come with us. She chose not to come, but said it was all good and we could do something else. Was SHE being truthful? Probably, but that's not my business. It felt like the honest way to go -- honest to her and to me. I wouldn't want to see it twice (once will probably be a lot lol) and I don't want to snub her. I also know there is a decent chance we wouldn't have gone. Being upfront worked on so many levels. There was a moment that I thought if she suggested the movie, I'd go a second time and not say anything. Even though that has a kind, selfless ring to it, it's dishonest. That's not how I want to act.
Stepping into honesty in a different sort of way. Truthful to myself and that doesn't come easy for me. Old me would've gone to the Botanical Gardens with the garden club because I "should" give it a try even though the meeting set off all my energy alarms. Old me would've sucked it up and seen a movie twice in a week because that's the "nice" thing to do. Then I'd resent any upcoming cancelations by my girlfriend because I took a high road and she didn't -- totally on me, but that wouldn't have mattered to my pal, resentment.
This kind of honestly might feel a bit hard (with a side of guilt) in the moment, but it holds a long burn of feeling good. That's how I know it's the right thing for me.
Anyway ...
New strawberry mug from Etsy. It's adorable and has a good feel to it.
I haven't been able to find a hike that works and it's a little frustrating. Either it conflicts with my schedule or the weather is too cold or it's too far away to leave the dogs for that many hours.. Hubby is heading on another vacation trip over the weekend and that's limiting me too. Good news is hikes pop up all the time and the morning weather WILL warm up so I need to be patient. I have hopes for next weekend.
Yesterday was rainy and boring, but I finished A Walk in the Woods. Turns out Bill Bryson is a well known author of funny non-fiction. I added a couple of his works to a library wish list for later. It was a surprisingly good book.
I also added it to a list of books (authors) to look for in a used book store. I wander aimlessly in a used book store so I'm making a list of "finds" to keep it interesting. Old children's novels, certain authors, etc. Shopping with intention :) and making it a fun experience.
I have a productive week coming up -- starting some indoor seeds, starting the LFL painting (don't fall off your seat!), a few appointments and hopefully some hiking. Fingers crossed for some nicer weather too.
Later gators.
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