Friday, February 24, 2023

Strange Thursday Continued

Dang.  It was a DAY yesterday.  I must have some wonky aura -- stay clear of me, save yourself.  

The "nothing works" continued.  I tried TWICE to get gas, but neither pump worked -- both with separate issues.  My phone had a mind of its own.  Charger issues.  Car interface issues.

I dragged myself to the garden tea class to find out it was canceled -- I guess.  No one was there and it was locked up.  Triple checked the info and went home.  I messaged the farm.

I need a spirit cleanse or something.

The one ghosting situation resolved though.  Our realtor for the townhome we're buying for our son to rent from us came back online.  When I was trying to reach her office (since no response on her cell phone), it said the number was disconnected.  Turns out they were have technical issues that they weren't aware of and got IT to fix it.  See ... so many strange issues yesterday.

We are putting in an offer on the house today.  If we end up under contract, we need a FAST turnaround for my son to give notice and not renew a 12 month lease.  What it means for me is keeping next week completely clear of plans (hubby is out of town) for a possible home inspection.  Normally, that's not a problem, but I was set for hike plans that I let go -- there were 4 hikes that met my criteria and I didn't register for any of them.  Bummer.  And if we don't reach an agreement, I have a week of nothing.

As far as the second ghosting -- bookclub for Sunday.  We are suppose to go to the Botanical Gardens, but nothing but crickets from the club leader.  I'm actually concerned.  I did a little digging and she hasn't even seen any of the messages.  That's unlike her.  She has a teenage daughter with some serious mental health concerns -- I hope everything is okay.  I think she might have an actual emergency.  As far as bookclub, I'm expecting the trip is a no-go.  Maybe even no meeting.  

Today's weather isn't helping the wonky vibes.  It's a soup bowl outside.  Muggy and gross.  

I'm ready for something to perk up and in desperate need of my period to stabilize my hormones -- I'm solidly in the yucky part of 50-50.  Hope you have a better go of things.  Later gators.

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