Monday, February 20, 2023

Holiday Monday

We are scheduled for a spring cleanup day in Asheville.  Sometimes landscapers aren't the most reliable so fingers crossed it's a go for this morning.

Can I take a spicy opinion that I don't like national holidays like today -- "partial" holidays.  You have no idea who is off, what is closed -- it's nothing but confusing and feels like a limbo-land 24 hours.  Trash is delayed ... or is it?  Podcast drops or does it?  Retail is open, but local retail, probably not?

I posed a question to bookclub -- what ARE we doing next weekend?  Botanical gardens?  Virtual?  Someone's house?  I'm holding the day and nothing has been decided.  No response.  Why?  Probably because this is a "holiday" weekend and everyone is out of the mix.  Yep, this holiday is not my cup of tea.

Enough on my soapbox.  

Nothing special yesterday after our drive.  A little dog walk --found a rock I had left in December and a food run to the local vegan restaurant.  Most places are closed Monday and Tuesday so I decided to grab takeout while it was available.

Now books ...

This was clever and interesting.  Enjoyed the quick read.

Two library books for the Asheville trip because I couldn't decide which to start first.

Started this. Not thrilled with it yet.

I may have read this already.

We watched Inside Man (Netflix) last night.  It was a fun, clever 4 episode suspense thriller.  Hubby didn't love it, but I did.  Yes, holes in the story, especially the beginning (what started the spiral into crazy) but it was entertaining and an interesting premise.  

Speaking of spiral .... still no monthly.  Still back pain.  Trying to hold up.  Nothing earth shattering, but I'm tired of feeling crappy.  Maybe a diet cleanup is in line with a spring cleanup (!!)  I've been eating more GF bread and candy recently.  It could be (probably is) adding to my woes.  Dang.  Why is THIS always a contributor?!?!  And why do I continue get myself in this predicament?!?!

Anyway -- hopefully some before/afters for the yard today.  Spring is slowly starting and I can't wait.

Later gators.

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