Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Insurance is a B%^#H!!!

I'm not going to rehash too much, but the ortho practice has banned me.  Seriously?!?  Because of the dispute with the PT charges.  Everything else is paid in full at the time of services ($2000 plus).  No appointments, no patient portal for records.  I requested the MRI report so it'll be interesting to see what happens (I know this'll be a fight and that isn't right since the MRI is paid in full).  All the services are bundled under this group.  I have an appointment in a few weeks with a new ortho practice.  The lengths I've gone to resolve this and there is nothing else I can do.  Both sides say I SHOULD owe nothing, but the billing codes aren't matching.  This is a in-network practice.  Geez.  What a scam.  Oh, and we have new insurance so I'm sure the old insurance company gives even less shits about this now.

Back is still troubled and I got my period yesterday.  Fun and more fun.  

I have a woods walk with a friend today.  My back feels better when I move around.  Sitting is difficult.  The worst part will be the car ride, but it's only 20 minutes away.  Not sure about the bathroom status and that might be a problem this morning if my monthly revs up.  But I'm going.

I did more dot painting to clear my head after the medical hurdles.  It's fun and I'm getting better -- watched a video on using the dot tools.

I'd like to start planting seeds and lite gardening this afternoon, but I need to be careful with my back.  Especially now when I have no ortho relief option.  Today is set to be sunny and warm -- perfect day for planting.

Okay, enough at the computer again -- sitting hurts.  Later gators.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Back to Back Woes

My back is officially "out" -- but only muscular right now.  I slipped on a creek rock and jolted it into fully problematic.  Bummer.  Not as bad as December though.  I haven't needed to take any muscle relaxers yet.

But, the hike was great -- 6 miles, a few hills and an easy pace.  It's a good location and a fun one to take the family and dogs.  Not a lot of pictures since I hiked with 2 poles, but here are a few.  Interesting fact -- Jimmy Carter preserved the land around the Chattahoochee River for the National Parks.  He called it a "string of pearls" when you look at the map of all the parks along the river.

One of the rocks I left at the trail head.

Natural shelter used during the Civil War

At the park lodge.

I tried my hand at dot painting.  It's harder than it looks to get a circle.  It's a fun change of pace with painting though.  Nice ahead of Easter since it reminds me of Easter eggs. 

First layer.  Less is more.

I messed around with it too much.
Especially the middle dot.
This technique has some texture
but the middle is messy.

The townhome seller who wouldn't negotiate anything under asking, came back with a counter.  Guess he didn't get the offers he was expected over the weekend.  We declined.  Sticking with my gut.

Not sure what today holds.  My back might not be up for gardening or painting the Little Free Library.  I'll return the library books that I finished and that might be the extent of moving around.  Is my back problem the LFL curse?!?!  Oh no!!  Lol :)  

Not bad

Graphic and violent.
I didn't like it, but I finished it
to see how it ended.

That's all for today.  It's uncomfortable to sit upright to type.  Happy Monday.  Later gators.

Sunday, February 26, 2023


I can't remember if I've mentioned this here -- I read a book that talked about making a focus for each season during the year.  Nothing big or firm or RULES.  Just an intention to keep steering yourself to something you want to focus on.

I set NATURE as my focus for spring.  I've been noticing and saying 'yes' to all things NATURE as they come up and finding ways to add little bits of nature to my day.

This feels like a big nature week and I'm excited.  

The garden seed pickup and intro meeting went well.  I'm excited to play around with it.  Since I don't live in that town, I only qualify for the at-home garden, but it gives me access to information classes and hands-on gardening at the community garden.  There's actually a volunteer commitment.  More on this soon -- planting early spring stuff on Monday.

Hubby and I also talked about a plan to do raised beds next year.  Pots aren't cutting it.  Hopefully, this is my last year dabbling and next year can be the big guns.  It's a project though -- interior fence to keep out the dogs, building raised beds and sprinkler modification for watering.  Knowing us, it might be 2 years in the making.

Hike this morning.  It's a new hike for me, but not too far of a drive.  This is a popular one for the group and I've yet to be able to go on one.  My back is a mess though.  Fingers crossed I don't regret it.  I'm thinking about returning to ortho to see about another shot.  Dang.

I was watering my plants yesterday and noticed THIS ...

The orchid has bloom stalks!  (Don't mind my busybody plant borrowing her posts -- she likes to touch everyone!)  I didn't think I could keep one alive, but here she is thriving lol.  

It's almost time for indoor plants to get some love -- fertilizer and some need a transplant.  I'm still winging it, so wish them luck!  Lots of nature (by default) in the spring -- I like my focus.

Bookclub leader is back in action -- asking about a virtual meeting.  None of the regulars can attend so I expect it's a complete no-go.  That's frustrating.  It takes minutes to set a meeting event on the calendar so people can plan ahead.  The book is Come As You Are -- it's a sex manual of sorts.  I knew the subject matter wasn't something our group was going to be jumping for joy to discuss which is why I suggested a field trip at the last meeting.  Botanical Gardens idea came from the other gardening club.  Oh well, I tried.  

Rest of the week is nature focused too.  A hike with a friend, walk with another, garden pot prep and garden planning.  I really, really, really need my back to hold up.  I'm resting and doing all the things but it's super twingy and uncomfortable.  

Sunday funday -- let's make it happen.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

A List of All Things Happening

Lots to report -- cue the list (no particular order).

(1)  Townhome is a no-go.  We withdrew our offer.  Turns out they aren't accepting lower than asking, want to wait for possible multiple bids this week.  That's a nope for us.  The house is overpriced and we aren't going into a bidding war.  I'm disappointed for my son, but relieved because I didn't think it was the right house.  I know when I know and I should've listened to my gut.  I was outvoted, but not again.

(2)  Now my week is FREE.  I added a hike with a friend on the only sunny forecasted day and 2 more possible social things pending (lunch and coffee date).  This should help my mood -- unless everything gets canceled (and that's always possible).

(3)  First farm pick up this morning for the gardening group I joined.  This is the group that ghosted the tea class so I have no idea what's what.  Guess I'm doing some gardening this week ... or not.  Geez.

(4)  Lunch date with hubby today.  Going to our favorite local place.  They do farm-to-table with everything from scratch.

(5)  Saw this gal yesterday -- my "sign" of good things.  I need it :)

(6)  Hung the hummingbird feeder I got at the craft show.  We usually get hummingbirds on the deck so fingers crossed.  They're amazing little birds.  The fill is one part sugar, 4 parts water.

(7)  The morning was unexpectedly sunny so I took Duke on a walk and we did a little woods detour.  This is a county sign designed to look like a man or beast -- maybe Big Foot.  I want to get a closer look next time.  Someone has a sense of humor.

(8)  We booked a couple of timeshare trips for later this year.  Hilton Head in October with my friend.  AZ with hubby and we'll meet my sister and BIL for the week.

(9)  I registered for a hike tomorrow.  6 miles in the morning.  I messaged bookclub I'm out for Botanical Gardens since nothing has been scheduled.  If they do virtual, I might be able to make it.  I'm still worried about the group leader.  No one else is concerned -- they think she's just busy.

I feel like I got some control back yesterday.  I had a bunch of worry because I didn't think the house was right.  I also felt like I had a lot in limbo land with vacation planning, social calendar this week -- all waiting on other people.  Control is an illusion, but making decisions isn't.  I made a bunch of decisions and that makes me feel better.  So maybe it's not control I'm after, just a decision.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend.  Getting back to me, back to Future Me -- hormones be damned.

Hope it's a good one for you too.  Later gators.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Strange Thursday Continued

Dang.  It was a DAY yesterday.  I must have some wonky aura -- stay clear of me, save yourself.  

The "nothing works" continued.  I tried TWICE to get gas, but neither pump worked -- both with separate issues.  My phone had a mind of its own.  Charger issues.  Car interface issues.

I dragged myself to the garden tea class to find out it was canceled -- I guess.  No one was there and it was locked up.  Triple checked the info and went home.  I messaged the farm.

I need a spirit cleanse or something.

The one ghosting situation resolved though.  Our realtor for the townhome we're buying for our son to rent from us came back online.  When I was trying to reach her office (since no response on her cell phone), it said the number was disconnected.  Turns out they were have technical issues that they weren't aware of and got IT to fix it.  See ... so many strange issues yesterday.

We are putting in an offer on the house today.  If we end up under contract, we need a FAST turnaround for my son to give notice and not renew a 12 month lease.  What it means for me is keeping next week completely clear of plans (hubby is out of town) for a possible home inspection.  Normally, that's not a problem, but I was set for hike plans that I let go -- there were 4 hikes that met my criteria and I didn't register for any of them.  Bummer.  And if we don't reach an agreement, I have a week of nothing.

As far as the second ghosting -- bookclub for Sunday.  We are suppose to go to the Botanical Gardens, but nothing but crickets from the club leader.  I'm actually concerned.  I did a little digging and she hasn't even seen any of the messages.  That's unlike her.  She has a teenage daughter with some serious mental health concerns -- I hope everything is okay.  I think she might have an actual emergency.  As far as bookclub, I'm expecting the trip is a no-go.  Maybe even no meeting.  

Today's weather isn't helping the wonky vibes.  It's a soup bowl outside.  Muggy and gross.  

I'm ready for something to perk up and in desperate need of my period to stabilize my hormones -- I'm solidly in the yucky part of 50-50.  Hope you have a better go of things.  Later gators.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Strange Thursday

Today is feeling odd -- hormones or life, not really sure.

A few ghosting situations that surprised me this morning.  Weather is heading to high 70s but its humid and oppressive feeling.  Feels like gloom is hovering. 

Bunch of things not working -- calls dropping, websites aren't loading (trying to register for a hike), electric shade acting up.

Could it be this strange moon and two stars or planets that were in the sky last night??  It stayed like this -- no other stars visible and the moon with a shadow -- almost like an eclipse moon.

I'm in a bit of limbo today because of the ghosting -- long stories, not in the mood to type it out right now, but, seriously?!?  In this day of communication, baring a true emergency, some sort of text is appropriate.  We had tentative plans so I'm in a holding pattern.  Frustrating.  Something for today and bigger plans on Sunday (ghosting has been for a week now). 

I have a garden class this evening.  Tea herbs.  Part 1 of 2 -- but the second class date wasn't posted yet.  So maybe this is a waste if I can't do Part 2.  Hopefully not, but that's the way the day feels like it's going.

Okay, that's all from my Debbie Downer attitude.  Trying to practice patience and such.  Spoiler alert -- not going very well hah!!  Have a better one than me :)  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Before-After Yard


It's shocking how many leaves fell since January.  Never ending tree shedding in this area.  Some tree are starting leaf buds and some STILL haven't shed their old leaves.  It's going to look so nice when things hit the spring green.



Some things in bloom already ...

Most incredible smelling flowers.
It's called a Paperbush.

Carolina Allspice bush pods.

Asheville never fails to be interesting -- a few pictures from my walk yesterday.

Trash day.


Enjoy words of inspiration.

My contribution to whimsy.

Lunch was okay-ish yesterday.  We ended up at a bakery I frequent for coffee -- nothing GF on the menu of only sandwiches.  No big deal.  I got an iced americano and called it a day.  The shop was overly warm and we sat at an odd high table that was massively wobbly -- couldn't lean on it so it was awkward.  The conversation was nice, but I was uncomfortable and that dominated my thoughts.  Oh well.  We walked to the bakery so that was nice too -- weather is beautiful this week.

Random picture of my kombucha.  The fizz -- do you see it?  By the time I took the picture it had died down, but the sun was hitting it just right to catch it.  It looked like mini fireworks for a minute.

We ended the day with a trip to White Duck Taco by the French Broad river -- local favorite known for unusual combinations.  Most of their menu is GF.  We can't remember the last time we had a TACO TUESDAY.  It was fun, a little windy and the dogs were professional beggars, but I'm glad we ventured out.  Every time we've gone before, it's so packed, no parking, unbelievable line so we bagged it.  Finally caught it at a good time.

Time to clean the house and get on the road home -- and this post is LONG.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Work in Progress

The yard has started and will finish up today.  It looks nice -- even without the spring green up yet.  I learned a lot about pruning and the plants in our yard.  It was a good "tour."  Pictures tomorrow.

I decorated the mantel -- per 23 for 2023, everything is thrifted or something I owned.  I found the little blue pitcher at a thrift store yesterday (yep, it was open).  It was a bit of color that finished it.  I propagated the plant from home and hopefully being in water will allow it to survive our time away.  I miss living plants in this house.  The books I owned, the glass decanters were my grandmother's and the vintage vase I got from Etsy and filled with leftover greens I had in GA.  

Bam, but this was the easiest space to thrift.  Next up ... master bedroom and front and back porch.  Art work for master bedroom (over the bed is tricky), bench for the back porch and some sort of table for the front porch.  Both porch items need to be able to handle weather exposure.


I'm having lunch with my neighbor today.  She's picking the restaurant since our favorite vegan place is closed on Tuesdays.  I hope it's someplace new to me.  I know she'll pick well -- she's a plant forward gal too.

I got a text from the hike leader from the hike on Saturday.  Saying welcome, she liked hiking with me and loves the things from the craft fair (I showed her the booth).  That was a very nice reach out.  We texted a little bit and hope to see her on another hike.

I started easy cleaning yesterday afternoon -- floor and bathrooms tomorrow before we leave.  Fingers crossed my back holds up.  I'd hate to aggravate it over dirty floors!!!

Have a good Tuesday.  Later gators.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Holiday Monday

We are scheduled for a spring cleanup day in Asheville.  Sometimes landscapers aren't the most reliable so fingers crossed it's a go for this morning.

Can I take a spicy opinion that I don't like national holidays like today -- "partial" holidays.  You have no idea who is off, what is closed -- it's nothing but confusing and feels like a limbo-land 24 hours.  Trash is delayed ... or is it?  Podcast drops or does it?  Retail is open, but local retail, probably not?

I posed a question to bookclub -- what ARE we doing next weekend?  Botanical gardens?  Virtual?  Someone's house?  I'm holding the day and nothing has been decided.  No response.  Why?  Probably because this is a "holiday" weekend and everyone is out of the mix.  Yep, this holiday is not my cup of tea.

Enough on my soapbox.  

Nothing special yesterday after our drive.  A little dog walk --found a rock I had left in December and a food run to the local vegan restaurant.  Most places are closed Monday and Tuesday so I decided to grab takeout while it was available.

Now books ...

This was clever and interesting.  Enjoyed the quick read.

Two library books for the Asheville trip because I couldn't decide which to start first.

Started this. Not thrilled with it yet.

I may have read this already.

We watched Inside Man (Netflix) last night.  It was a fun, clever 4 episode suspense thriller.  Hubby didn't love it, but I did.  Yes, holes in the story, especially the beginning (what started the spiral into crazy) but it was entertaining and an interesting premise.  

Speaking of spiral .... still no monthly.  Still back pain.  Trying to hold up.  Nothing earth shattering, but I'm tired of feeling crappy.  Maybe a diet cleanup is in line with a spring cleanup (!!)  I've been eating more GF bread and candy recently.  It could be (probably is) adding to my woes.  Dang.  Why is THIS always a contributor?!?!  And why do I continue get myself in this predicament?!?!

Anyway -- hopefully some before/afters for the yard today.  Spring is slowly starting and I can't wait.

Later gators.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Helen, GA

I had a super fun day yesterday -- checked so many Future Self boxes.  The hike was a beautiful trail, even in February.  The weather was cold when we started, but warmed up by the end and lots of blue skies.  

Left a rock at the meeting point --
playground park.

Trail head.

Crazy hollow tree


Running creek.
People fishing for trout all along
the lower trail.

Round rock from the water

Field crossing

Frozen puddles

Guess it's bear country here

The craft fair was our turn around point for a 6 mile total hike.  I got a few goodies.  I also got a little hummingbird feeder which I'll hang soon.

Spoon rest for Christmas

Little bowl

Bear on a stick for planters

Gnome on a stick for planters.

We finished with a celebration for the hike leader -- her 1000 hike.  The other hike leader dot paints rocks for milestone hikes and she made her a beautiful rock.

The town itself is beyond touristy.  It was packed on a holiday weekend.  Funnel cakes, fudge stores, tattoo places, piercing places, tee-shirt shops, themed restaurants -- you get the idea.  

Guess this is a Christmas store.
It's just before the Main Street starts.

I stopped at Jumpingoats Coffee Roasters and wine shop on the way home.  My hairdresser recommended it for beautiful views.  It was crowded so I bought a bag of beans and left. I'll give the beans a try in Asheville this week.  The mountain was pretty -- with cows and such too.  Would be a nice place to stop during a week day when it was less crowded.

I would enjoy going back and hiking again.  The trail is well marked and dog friendly (as is the coffee shop on the mountain).  When we get a nice day, hubby and I'll take the dogs for a little adventure.

I'm off to Asheville this morning.  My back is holding okay so I'm hoping for outside time this week.  Still no monthly, still a "mood," still trying.  

Later gators.