I feel like I have a sinus thing happening. Right side only and only at night through the morning. I think it's allergies -- I haven't been anywhere for long and always in a mask, but I'll test for COVID just in case. I also have a tooth sensitivity on that side when I use mouthwash. I think I have a cavity.
Ugh. Suddenly, I'm falling apart.
My Oura stats are TANKED. Hours of big thunderstorms didn't help -- only 10 minutes of deep sleep. My temp and heart rate are elevated overnight too. This could be hormones. Maybe getting sick.
Duke and I were able to get our first park visit before the storm yesterday morning. 5 miles (3/4 mile of jogging) and my back is okay today.
This storm is relentless. Still going, but should be moving out by late morning. It's a doozy. I wonder if the change in temps and weather is causing my sinuses to act up.
Anyway -- I've been working on my lists for the year and overnight had a massive panic moment of overwhelm. That's hormones. It'll be tricky finishing the list while I'm spinning a little.
I went deep diving into some podcasts that talk about some of my interests for inspiration. So many good ideas and that might be causing overwhelm too. Everything doesn't need to be everything.
One podcast talked about calming spaces in your house. I love two rooms here in GA and one of my goals is to love the master bedroom in Asheville too. It was decorated with leftovers and I want to finish it this year (hence listening to this podcast). The rooms here are my office and bedroom -- totally me and every time I walk into them, I notice how much they make me happy. BTW, the spare room in Asheville gives me this feeling too. I sometimes just stand and look at it. I want the master to feel the same way.
I'll have the list finished by this weekend. Indecision can become a thing and I'm overthinking things.
Today is my last nothing-on-the-calendar day for the post holidays. Tomorrow comes with a bang. Very early cleaning crew and grand-dogs over for the weekend. Little Zoey (all 6 lbs of her) is giving the hardest time with everything. Biting, hiding, total freak out. She's on some medications, but is going back to the vet next week to see if something can help. That's an old lady chihuahua for you. This is going to be a stressful 4 days. She MUST wear a diaper because she marks and pees everywhere. Lately, she's only letting my son diaper her (not even her mama). Wish us luck.
Have a good day. Later gators.
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