Took a bit, but here it is ...
1. Join a club.
Already done. I joined an Atlanta based hiking group.
2. Join the library.
Also done. Picked up my card yesterday and have a book on hold. Die With Zero (financial planning).
I heard about the book on a podcast, but don't want to buy it. Hello, Library.
3. Clase de Espanol otra vez.
I think I have a plan for the end of January.
4. Little Free Library
Can it be done??
5. New veggies for the garden
So far, adding radishes
6. Share garden produce
This means more consistent garden this year.
7. TWO -- read 2 children's novels
THREE -- watch 3 documentaries
8. HRV > 60
It's holding in the low 20s right now. I got into the 60s in Hawaii. I need to change some things.
9. Bedroom
Need a little RX help on this.
10. Decorate Asheville with THRIFTED items
I have a few areas left to decorate and it's a fun challenge to find them thrifted
Mantel, side patio, front porch, master bedroom art
Maybe hike, overnight trip -- be brave and curious
12. Volunteer with CASA or The Place
13. Chai Pani in Asheville
Just got a Michelin Star. No reservations though.
14. Keep a travel journal
Already bought it for Spain. What we did, fun little notes, paying attention.
15. Take a drawing/art class instruction online
YouTube counts too.
16. Set a travel focus for trips
Future self, find the best vegan restaurant, find a hike, find something (fill in the blank)
17. Trip with Stacy
Trying again, she backed out this year.
18. Trip with Deb
Only trip in 2020 was with Deb. She lives on east coast again so we should be able to plan something.
19. Hike Raven Cliff
Local-ish hike that's interesting. Hopefully, with Daphne and Mike who suggested it.
20. HS get-together
Now that we are all state side, this is a year to try.
21. Afternoon with Karen (from HS)
She's my HS friend who lives in Atlanta. We usually have lunch twice a year, but not since the pandemic. I messaged her about a walk instead and she said her knee is bothering her. Lunch once her schedule calms down.
22. Find a Spanish partner
This might be hubby. I'd really like to meet for coffee for some Spanish speaking with someone. I had hopes for the library, but no Spanish events.
23. BONUS ... say YES to something a little scary, a lot exciting.
There she is ... after many revisions.
The hang up was the list was too simple or too much or not fun. Some of the list may not be completable but the intention is to live in this direction. Have fun trying and sometimes succeeding, and sometimes not.
For example, finding a Spanish partner is tough. Schedule trips with friends is hard to get on the calendar, but I'm taking the reins and trying. I'll try to have a productive garden, but the beetles and the weather and so many things can mess it up. But trying means learning and improving.
The rule was each thing must feel good or exciting and be an absolute YES, not a task I'm dreading. For example, I had cook one recipe from each of my cookbooks on the list and that felt like a heavy chore, not something fun so I took it off.
Most fun: One of the trips with friends
Most likely to NOT happen: Find a Spanish partner
Most determined: Little Free Library
Most challenging: Spanish class
Most proud if it happens: Garden sharing
Most exciting: Solo something or BONUS
Most rewarding: Travel journal or travel theme
Most beneficial: HRV >60 because I've made changes to get there
Like to be last: Volunteer or Chai Pani
First up: I joined the club first, followed closely with the library.
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