Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31

Well, FINALLY ... goodbye, January.  That was a long one.  I've said before, I think it feels so long because I mentally start January on December 26.  It doesn't help that this January has been cold and rainy.  We need both though -- freeze to keep bugs at bay for the summer and rain was due after a dry fall.

The start of February doesn't look much better, but spring IS around the corner in GA.  Hanging in there.

I'm checking out a garden club meeting this afternoon at the invite of my old neighbor.  I'm curious about it.  It seems more of a social club than an actual hands-on garden club, but I don't know.

I started watching The Last of Us (Netflix).  3 of 9 released so far.  It's like Walking Dead meets I Am Legend.  Creepy and good so far.

I finished Heidi and it didn't disappoint.  The actual book is 99 years old (the story is much older) and it was enjoyable all around.  New book pick today or tomorrow.  Library pickup today.  I also finished a non-fiction about nature and why it makes us happy (The Nature Fix -- Florence Williams).  It was interesting and has me wishing for hiking weather soon.

Here's Duke giving me sass because he wanted dinner early.  He "talks" and gives side-eye.  The boy is photogenic!  We got stuck in a rain shower on a walk yesterday so he's got some curl happening. 

Later gators.

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