Not one of us read the book -- everyone said the same ... dry and boring. One of the women is a lawyer and couldn't get through it either. She's read other books about RBG. I rewatched the documentary so I could speak about her and that worked fine.
Moral of the story -- go with a good attitude. The conversation was interesting and it was nice to get out. We stayed over 2 hours. All of us choose to get takeout for dinner instead of eating there. The drive was long, but it was worth it.
Here's the new heart necklace I got for ME from ME for Valentine's Day -- made by a local artist. Also the "missing" ring in the picture and my new phone case. The Apple case cracked and peeled -- disappointing quality. Only downside is I need to use a plug in charger again. It has a thin pocket to hold ID or a card.
A couple of things arrived from Etsy. The pitcher is WAY bigger than I expected so it's not going to work for the mantel. I might be able to do a swap and make it work in another area -- I like it. Guess I should've paid more attention to dimensions. The bottom is okay and that's what I looked at but didn't connect the dots to mean the rest was too large. I also got a nice tissue cover -- fits the vintage vibe, but it's newly made by an Etsy crafter.
Today is nothing but maybe a library run if the spirit moves me out of the house. I canceled the hike and I'm still glad for that decision -- it's still raining this morning. A last minute leisurely woods walk came up for this afternoon and dogs welcomed. I came close to signing up but it's over an hour away. That's too long to leave Monti alone -- he'd be upset. I'll long walk Duke at home.
Okay, that's all from here. Hope you're set for a good week. Later gators.
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