Sunday, January 29, 2023

Neighborhood Trail

Duke and I took a neighborhood walk yesterday and we walked the "trail" that connects the only 2 streets. It's actually very pretty when it's green and still a nice tiny adventure in the winter.  Warm weather brings lots of snakes though so you need to watch where you walk.  Most are the "good" kind that eat the poisonous kind, but still ... no one wants to step on a snake (as I know from my snake bite experience).

Lodge above the rocks.

Creek is always running
with nice water sounds.

Woods have a couple of picnic
tables too.

Fire pits with rock seats

Met the kids for lunch -- good conversation.  Otherwise it was an uneventful day -- usual stuff ... reading, rock painting, journalling and TV with dog cuddles.

Bookclub today and I'm not much in the mood, but I'll go.  3 of us responded -- I know the woman who organized will be there, but the other lady has small kids and backs out most of the time.  The only time I've met her is when she hosted.  Someone asked for a laptop and zoom option.  Seriously??  At a restaurant??  You'll never hear the conversation AND we're going to be eating, ordering, etc.  I'm surprised she said okay for this month.  That's going to make the conversation stiff and structured if we have to include a computer too.  The best part of meeting in-person is the organic flow to the conversation. The woman who organized is moving so this'll be one of her last meetings.  I think that's why she's pushing ahead.

The reason I'm not excited is we're going to be spending a couple of hours at a restaurant (INSIDE because of weather) and it's an hour drive each way for me.  It's such a small group.  If I hadn't already said I'd go, I wouldn't.  I won't stand her up though.  There are 2 maybes so MAYBE it'll be better than I expect. 

I guess it'll be fun if I decide it'll be fun.  

On another note, I got invited to watch the football game with friends today.  Hard pass because of FOOTBALL lol, but I'll be out for the afternoon anyway.  She texted, invited me (and hubby) and after I declined, mentioned they were going to a bar to watch the game.  Eeek.  Worst of all worlds for me, but, super nice to be invited :)  Kind of an odd detail to leave out of the original invite though.

On yet another note, I thought I lost my original engagement ring.  I don't wear it often, but I love it.  I last remember wearing it in Asheville a couple of months ago and almost forgetting to put it on to head home.  I had the vaguest recollection of wearing it again, but couldn't pin point the memory.  Anyway, I took some jewelry out of a little safe and it wasn't there -- which is where I keep it when I don't have plans to wear it.  I looked in my dresser jewelry box, travel boxes -- nope.  Eek.  Slight panic.  I thought I'd wait to completely panic until I checked Asheville (although I wasn't confident because I didn't see it when I was there a couple of weeks ago).

Of course, I asked the universe to tell me where it was via dream or thought.  This is an Ask and It's Given concept from the book.  I had nothing to lose.  Going to bed I "reminded" the universe of my request and I remembered something from Gretchen Rubin.

She says lost things are usually where you think they are -- i.e.  I thought I left it in the car ... probably is, just look more thoroughly.  I thought it was in my new travel jewelry case, but didn't find it.  So I looked again and decided to go over every little inch.  Yep -- it was tucked into the corner with some of the padded parts.  Phew.  And such a good tip to remember.  And, thanks, universe for the heads up memory.

I'm so happy to have found it after about 10 hours of thinking it was lost (hah) that I'm wearing it today. It's feels comforting to have it back -- even though it was really never gone. 

That's all from here on a rainy Sunday.  Later gators.

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