Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31

Well, FINALLY ... goodbye, January.  That was a long one.  I've said before, I think it feels so long because I mentally start January on December 26.  It doesn't help that this January has been cold and rainy.  We need both though -- freeze to keep bugs at bay for the summer and rain was due after a dry fall.

The start of February doesn't look much better, but spring IS around the corner in GA.  Hanging in there.

I'm checking out a garden club meeting this afternoon at the invite of my old neighbor.  I'm curious about it.  It seems more of a social club than an actual hands-on garden club, but I don't know.

I started watching The Last of Us (Netflix).  3 of 9 released so far.  It's like Walking Dead meets I Am Legend.  Creepy and good so far.

I finished Heidi and it didn't disappoint.  The actual book is 99 years old (the story is much older) and it was enjoyable all around.  New book pick today or tomorrow.  Library pickup today.  I also finished a non-fiction about nature and why it makes us happy (The Nature Fix -- Florence Williams).  It was interesting and has me wishing for hiking weather soon.

Here's Duke giving me sass because he wanted dinner early.  He "talks" and gives side-eye.  The boy is photogenic!  We got stuck in a rain shower on a walk yesterday so he's got some curl happening. 

Later gators.

Monday, January 30, 2023


Bookclub ended up being nice.  4 people total plus one on zoom (not the one who requested it BTW).  The restaurant was empty except for occasional people picking up takeout.  We had an entire area to ourselves so that inside worry wasn't an issue at all.  The zoom participant got the short end of the stick, but we tried to include her.  She could only see one person and barely hear the conversation, but she seemed happy to join.

Not one of us read the book -- everyone said the same ... dry and boring.  One of the women is a lawyer and couldn't get through it either.  She's read other books about RBG.  I rewatched the documentary so I could speak about her and that worked fine.

Moral of the story -- go with a good attitude.  The conversation was interesting and it was nice to get out.  We stayed over 2 hours.  All of us choose to get takeout for dinner instead of eating there.  The drive was long, but it was worth it.

Here's the new heart necklace I got for ME from ME for Valentine's Day -- made by a local artist.  Also the "missing" ring in the picture and my new phone case.  The Apple case cracked and peeled -- disappointing quality.  Only downside is I need to use a plug in charger again.  It has a thin pocket to hold ID or a card.

A couple of things arrived from Etsy.  The pitcher is WAY bigger than I expected so it's not going to work for the mantel.  I might be able to do a swap and make it work in another area -- I like it.  Guess I should've paid more attention to dimensions.  The bottom is okay and that's what I looked at but didn't connect the dots to mean the rest was too large.  I also got a nice tissue cover -- fits the vintage vibe, but it's newly made by an Etsy crafter.

Today is nothing but maybe a library run if the spirit moves me out of the house.  I canceled the hike and I'm still glad for that decision -- it's still raining this morning.  A last minute leisurely woods walk came up for this afternoon and dogs welcomed.  I came close to signing up but it's over an hour away.  That's too long to leave Monti alone -- he'd be upset.  I'll long walk Duke at home.

Okay, that's all from here.  Hope you're set for a good week.  Later gators.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Neighborhood Trail

Duke and I took a neighborhood walk yesterday and we walked the "trail" that connects the only 2 streets. It's actually very pretty when it's green and still a nice tiny adventure in the winter.  Warm weather brings lots of snakes though so you need to watch where you walk.  Most are the "good" kind that eat the poisonous kind, but still ... no one wants to step on a snake (as I know from my snake bite experience).

Lodge above the rocks.

Creek is always running
with nice water sounds.

Woods have a couple of picnic
tables too.

Fire pits with rock seats

Met the kids for lunch -- good conversation.  Otherwise it was an uneventful day -- usual stuff ... reading, rock painting, journalling and TV with dog cuddles.

Bookclub today and I'm not much in the mood, but I'll go.  3 of us responded -- I know the woman who organized will be there, but the other lady has small kids and backs out most of the time.  The only time I've met her is when she hosted.  Someone asked for a laptop and zoom option.  Seriously??  At a restaurant??  You'll never hear the conversation AND we're going to be eating, ordering, etc.  I'm surprised she said okay for this month.  That's going to make the conversation stiff and structured if we have to include a computer too.  The best part of meeting in-person is the organic flow to the conversation. The woman who organized is moving so this'll be one of her last meetings.  I think that's why she's pushing ahead.

The reason I'm not excited is we're going to be spending a couple of hours at a restaurant (INSIDE because of weather) and it's an hour drive each way for me.  It's such a small group.  If I hadn't already said I'd go, I wouldn't.  I won't stand her up though.  There are 2 maybes so MAYBE it'll be better than I expect. 

I guess it'll be fun if I decide it'll be fun.  

On another note, I got invited to watch the football game with friends today.  Hard pass because of FOOTBALL lol, but I'll be out for the afternoon anyway.  She texted, invited me (and hubby) and after I declined, mentioned they were going to a bar to watch the game.  Eeek.  Worst of all worlds for me, but, super nice to be invited :)  Kind of an odd detail to leave out of the original invite though.

On yet another note, I thought I lost my original engagement ring.  I don't wear it often, but I love it.  I last remember wearing it in Asheville a couple of months ago and almost forgetting to put it on to head home.  I had the vaguest recollection of wearing it again, but couldn't pin point the memory.  Anyway, I took some jewelry out of a little safe and it wasn't there -- which is where I keep it when I don't have plans to wear it.  I looked in my dresser jewelry box, travel boxes -- nope.  Eek.  Slight panic.  I thought I'd wait to completely panic until I checked Asheville (although I wasn't confident because I didn't see it when I was there a couple of weeks ago).

Of course, I asked the universe to tell me where it was via dream or thought.  This is an Ask and It's Given concept from the book.  I had nothing to lose.  Going to bed I "reminded" the universe of my request and I remembered something from Gretchen Rubin.

She says lost things are usually where you think they are -- i.e.  I thought I left it in the car ... probably is, just look more thoroughly.  I thought it was in my new travel jewelry case, but didn't find it.  So I looked again and decided to go over every little inch.  Yep -- it was tucked into the corner with some of the padded parts.  Phew.  And such a good tip to remember.  And, thanks, universe for the heads up memory.

I'm so happy to have found it after about 10 hours of thinking it was lost (hah) that I'm wearing it today. It's feels comforting to have it back -- even though it was really never gone. 

That's all from here on a rainy Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Big Bird

I had a really nice hike yesterday.  Good conversations, 5 quick miles over rolling hills, sunshine (rain continues most days next week).  After realizing what a big deal Monday's hike is for the group and looking at the weather, I cancelled my registration.  It felt like the right thing to do -- for them and for my toes.  The weather probably won't support hiking next week, but there are plenty in my future.

New rock I painted and left yesterday because there are lots of kids on the beginning of the trail.

Hubby and eldest left for PGH today -- hockey game and Football Hall of Fame weekend.  Hubby leaves for CA from the trip so he's gone until Wednesday.

Heading for a late lunch with my youngest, his girlfriend and maybe my DIL.  Other than that, the day is clear.  Bookclub tomorrow so I'm getting out of the house both days.  That's good for me -- I need some people interaction.

Hope you have a fun Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Updates

Not one thing went as planned yesterday.

Got a call from hubby (who was at an early dentist appointment) that HVAC service had an opening today (instead of February) and he took it.  That meant a rush to workout, no live ride (it was my 700 ride and I like to ride live on the 100 mark) so I could be dressed for someone walking all over the house.

Then a call from the dermatologist canceling my appointment (her son was sick).

Then an email from the garden club with FIRM pickup dates for plants and guess who's away for EVERY SINGLE ONE?!?!  You can get a friend to pick up instead, but dang.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  Guess I'll cross those bridges when I get there. 

I registered for the hike on Monday that opened at 3 o'clock -- dogs delayed me until 3:01 and I was the last to get a spot.  The hike changed a bit because someone is celebrating their 900th hike so the leader is different and they immediately sent an email that if you don't really want to do the hike, please don't because her friends are waitlisted.  Eek.  I'm on the fence AGAIN, but I think I'm keeping my spot unless something happens (back, sick, etc).

That said, it was a good day.  

I finished The Island of Sea Woman.  It was a heart wrenching, beautiful book. Highly recommend.  I put down Heidi to read this book and the last 1/3 of the book regularly referenced Heidi -- what?!?!  A book about an island off the coast of South Korea and this book was a part of that story.  Synchronicity!!

I started How to Get Filthy Rich in Asia -- it's a parody on self-help that I heard recommended on a podcast.  Glad I chose the library.  I shouldn't be surprised the book was recommended by a man -- it's crude with body function descriptions and very "man" humor.  No thanks.  I'll return it tomorrow.

Heidi is next because I can't ignore the synchronicity.  

Also, I reached out to an old neighbor because she follows the garden club I joined.  It was a little self serving because I have my eyes on her to pick up my plants.  She just joined, but didn't say if she's participating in the actual garden.  BUT, she invited me to another garden club that's meeting on Tuesday.  Why not check it out -- kind of like the library, no big commitment and it's there if you want to use it.  Also, a little reconnect with her since we lost touch over the pandemic.

Today is a later afternoon hike so my feet should be good to go.  It's going to be traffic on a Friday afternoon, but I'm focusing on the fun of the hike.  I get too caught up in the negative notes on things.  I'm trying to stay out of my head for the Monday hike -- lots of thoughts pushing me to cancel though.  I'll only cancel if it's a physical problem that I can't go or a better hike option opens for the week.

Happy Friday.  Hope you are set for a fun weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


I have a little of the January blues this year.  The month seems long and boring and maybe a little housebound with the weather.  But, I'm moving forward with future self stuff and that makes me happy.  The more I practice being "her," the more automatic it becomes.  Looking for ways to show up, running decisions through a FS filter.  It works -- even when it isn't perfect.

Yesterday was that kind of day.  Nothing grand, but it adds up.

I texted a friend about hiking next week.  She's away for a couple of weeks, but we are trying for early February.  When I feel blah, I hibernate from people and that's the last thing I need to do.  Glad I reached out.  Putting effort into relationships that feel good.

I also said NO to hosting bookclub this weekend.  There seemed to be little interest or availability this month and this was suppose to be the potluck from the Jen Hatmaker cookbook.  Tons of work and I bet maybe 2 people show up.  We are meeting on a patio of a centrally located restaurant instead.  Yea.  Glad I spoke up with my concerns and I like the new solution.  So far, it's just me and one other so it might be canceled, but no problem -- I'll have done ZERO work ahead.  I actually didn't even read the book -- RBG.  It's so dry and boring.  I saw her documentary and that's enough for me.  Who am I?!?!  Saying no, speaking up AND not reading the book?!?!  Dang :)

Another hike popped up for tomorrow afternoon.  I signed up -- set an alarm because within minutes, it's full.  I wasn't particularly looking for a Friday hike, but I KNOW it'll make me feel good.  There's a sign up this afternoon for Monday morning and I'm on the fence with my toes. I'll need to decide today.  I've been careful with the temp, but circulation is also an issue and the Peloton shoes are tight enough to aggravate.  My poor piggies are a mess and I don't know if a morning hike is a good idea.

I stumbled on a local-ish farm that has a garden club.  The garden plots at the farm are sold out, but they have an at-home version.  They provide seeds, seedlings and all the advice you need.  Plus you can participate at the farm.  I bought the picking flower garden and veggie option.  This feels like a great opportunity to learn.  I'm excited -- really excited.  I'm at a stage where I need help if I want to actually expand a garden. And, I wanted to add a flower picking garden too.  It's one of my favorite things to share with people.  I've been collecting little glass jars and such to give flower away this summer.  I'm still in an experiment stage of gardening and this feels like a fun next step.

In the name of thrifting decor for Asheville, a vintage wooden vase came from Etsy.  I used greens I had leftover.  It's going to work perfectly.  One more thing coming from Etsy and the mantel should be finished (mostly).

Speaking of Etsy, I bought a vintage phone for fun decor in my office.  I have no idea where the idea started, but I love it.  It's an old rotary phone with an area code from Oregon.  Everyday things as art.  I would've loved a green phone, but those were $$ so I passed.  It's suppose to be in working order and if I had a home phone, I would've hooked it up.

The older I get, the more I love old things and remembering the past.  Sign of my age, sign of the times with a crazy world or just me -- who knows, but I'm going with it.  It feels good to reuse things.  I'm so "not green" in a lot of ways -- things like this are a tiny start to doing better.

I'll leave with this picture -- Monty cuddles are the best.  I love this little bubble butt.  Later gators.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Shopping Fun

Good morning -- nothing but pouring rain again today.  We need the water, but holy moly it's been a wet January.  It's either below freezing in the morning or raining -- my feet can't handle either.  This is the first year in a long time I wish for winter to be over.  I haven't "activated" chilblains in years and I forgot how annoying it becomes.

I had a shopping day with my aunt yesterday.  We tried a new place for lunch -- vegan friendly.  I got quinoa bowl with roasted veggies.  I also stopped at a totally GF bakery and bought some of the treats.  Lemon bar (not good), blueberry sweet bread (also not good) ... BUT rolls and white loaf bread are AMAZING.  I ate way too much bread and woke up this morning to swollen eyes from water retention (and happen to have an eye exam today).  It was the closest to regular bread that I've tasted.  The leftovers are frozen and I need to give it a rest today.

I got a new necklace (picture when I wear it -- heart for Valentine's Day) and this lounge top.  So comfy and makes pjs feel a little different for the evening.  Obviously, I can wear it out too, but I bought it with house lounging in mind.  It shouldn't shrink when I wash it, but I'm a tad worried it will -- it wasn't expensive so I took a chance.

I put Heidi on hold and started this book.  I was in the mood for an adult novel.  I've read a number of easy, fantasy, etc type of books lately.  It's good so far.

I got another library book too so now I feel reading pressure.  I need to time things a little better.  I have plenty of time to read it though and it's an old book so I can renew it -- I'm just putting the pressure on myself.  

Eye exam today and some house chores.  Easy, rainy day.  Only challenge is steering clear of the bread!  

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Heading home once snow comes and goes.  It's coming in the next hour and lasting the morning.  Then I'm driving home.  At first, I was bummed because I haven't driven with snow in YEARS, but I'm actually excited to get to see some snowfall this year (and I don't think it'll stick on the main roads).  Going with the flow, even though that means a later drive today.

I started a 1924 copy of Heidi that I bought from Etsy.  The notes and the preface are incredible -- such a blast from the past.  The preface is all about WHY Heidi is a perfect children's book and especially this printing -- "through its clear, large type, its high-grade paper, its attractive and durable binding, and its colored illustrations."  And why it appeals to every child with quotes from children.

But, of course, there's some dated, cringy statements -- "The story has been retold so as to give pictures of life in a foreign country, but is free from troublesome foreign idioms and allusions."  

I'm curious how the story holds up and a little bummed I didn't get a more accurate translation from the 1880 original.  I'm excited to start the actual story now.


I finished Nettle & Bone (T. Kingfisher) and am glad it's another library read.  It was reminded me of a scary fairytale and I enjoyed it -- something different.  Short and quick and clever book.

I also watch a couple of documentaries.  I have 3 on my list for 2023 and I finished the goal.  I'll keep looking for interesting documentaries though.  I don't want ones that leave me depressed -- like state of the earth, animal cruelty, etc.  

I watched Our Father -- infertility doctor who used his own sperm.  It was crazy (I won't give any spoilers)!  And, I watched a 4 part documentary on TMI -- Meltdown.  I lived in Philadelphia at the time and I remember the story growing up (I was 9 the year it happened).  I also have memories of driving by and seeing the reactor silos.  I didn't know the extent of the cleanup issues though.  I was surprised to learn the state of GA has a number of nuclear power plants.

Cruising through some of the easier things on my list.  It's fun.  I have a hike on my radar for next Monday, but I need to get though sign-ups first.  Keep going, even during the lower energy slumps -- that's been my focus lately.  Energy slumps are strong right now.  I'm working on getting sleep and recovery stats going.  Experimenting on a lot of things -- more on this soon.  Slowly getting information and some results too.  Spoiler Alert:  It's all the healthy shit, of course lol!

Best get moving this morning.  I'm leaving later, but I have quite a bit to get done before I'm ready to go.  Happy Monday.  Later gators.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Staying Until Monday

I decided to stay.  The weather is mostly rain (with a little break in the afternoon) and snow in the morning, but warming and clearing by noon.

If I leave today, I'll feel rushed and I'm going home to the same weather.  So I'm here for another day.

Yesterday was a decent day.  Furnace is fixed -- nothing wrong with either furnace, but the Nest needed to be restarted for the main unit.  It's working fine now.  This was the furnace maintenance as well.  The units are 20 years old so we are regular with servicing them.

While HVAC was here, I booked excursions for Spain.  I'm getting excited now.  Only one day trip to be scheduled (Montserrat) and I'll do that with hubby this week.  He books travel (train and cable car) and I book the rest so we'll do it in tandem -- the logistics get a little complicated.  We went 8 years ago, but had to cut the day short because of my son's leg/back issues -- we missed the best part ... hiking the cave and mountain.

After he finished, I ran to 2 stores -- consignment and thrift.  I got an old clay pot at the consignment and nothing at the thrift store.  Turns out it's close to the coffee shop I wanted to visit again so I walked from the store to the shop -- parking at the coffee house was crazy.  It was a mile roundtrip.  The coffee isn't as good as I remember (I wonder if mocha got added last time).  It was fine and I bought a bag of decaf beans, but nothing like the first time.

Stopped for a vegan lunch with some extras for today.  I might make a stop this afternoon for another "weekend oatmeal" -- it was the best I've ever had ... fruit, nuts, spice.  Yum.  Good enough to call it a dessert.  I hope they still have it!

I wanted to take a mountain walk -- the afternoon weather was beautiful, but my back was feeling the feels.  I can't push it so I sat on the heating pad and read (I'll finish the book today).

I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today.  Keeping it slow and doing WHATEVER I want to do.  Maybe Peloton, maybe a walk during if the rain takes a break, maybe more oatmeal (yes!!), maybe a stop at another vintage store (probably not).  Some reading, some cleaning and that'll round out the stay.

I'm ready to go home.  I feel a little limited this trip with the weather and my back and my toe issue.  Glad we got the HVAC situation taken care of though -- that's the reason I came.  

Hope your weekend is going well.  Later gators.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Should I Stay ... or Should I Go?

Good timing to come to Asheville for HVAC -- no heat on the main unit again this morning.  Odd thing is the heat was working yesterday.  I turned it up a couple of degrees when I got in -- then it got too warm so I turned it back down and it was working when I went to bed.  Woke up this morning to no heat.  I'm glad for warm slippers, a bathrobe and hot coffee BUT my shower is going to be FRIGID.

I'm being wishy washy about all-the-things this trip.  I expect the HVAC will take all morning, that leaves this afternoon.  Takeout for sure (I ate what I brought yesterday) but I don't feel excited about any adventures which is very strange for me and Asheville.

The weather is iffy for Sunday and Monday.  Rain, snow, ice mix in and out over the 2 days.  Should I stay or should I go?  

I did "plan" some things for these few days -- you know, a little future self stuff.  I guess I'll make the decision by this afternoon.  Heat or no heat ... that might decide it for me.

The plan, you ask?

A little thrifting, vegan food, a walk up the mountain if the temperature is warm enough AND a drive to South Asheville to get an americano that I LOVED when we explored that area.  It was one of the best coffees I've had in a long time and I'm curious if it was a fluke or it's really that good.  I found it on maps after lots of looking -- I had no idea the name and just a general idea of the location, but glad for pictures.  

Also, I brought guide books and such to plan out the trip to Spain.  That's certainly a good rainy day activity.

I guess I'll decide based on heat.  Unit fixed, I stay until Monday.  Unit down, I leave tomorrow morning or maybe this afternoon.  It's going to stay awfully cold without heat.  My "plan" can always wait until next trip.

Funny side note, I get super lonely at night being all alone, but mornings are positively heavenly to have no one or things to care for but me.  So by tonight, I'll wish to be home, but by morning I'll be overjoyed to be by myself again.  50-50 (!!)

Stay tuned, lol.  Big cliff hanger.  Later gators.

P.S.  Here's the Fairy Village for Asheville.  I'll wait until spring to find a spot for it.  The house rocks are from a local GA park.  It was fun to paint.  You see fairy villages all around Asheville in some form or another.  I might make a couple of signs to go with it, but I'm finished with the houses.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Asheville Bound ...

.... but first a lot of stuff including dropping my dogs at my son's house for the day.  This'll add a couple of hours to my trip.  Not fun, but way easier than bringing them for the trip.  HVAC will take hours tomorrow and they'll be so undone to be leashed and stuck to me.  Hubby flies home late tonight.

Another library book came on hold yesterday -- I got an email, but no text.  I think I have it fixed now.  An email is fine though.  I also got a couple of 70s coffee mugs from Etsy.  I remember this look.  Some of my smaller cups have broken so I wanted a couple more in rotation.  Vintage mugs work well for my coffee which is between an espresso and an americano.  Too little for a regular mug, too much for an espresso cup -- vintage mugs are a perfect medium size.

Quirky little cup.
Quirky little book.  I'll start it today.

I'm not my usual jump-for-joy heading to Asheville this time.  I'm not sure why.  I guess there's enough "other stuff" diluting my excitement.  Longer, later drive.  Most of Saturday with HVAC stuff.  Weather is a lot of cold and rain.  And I probably need to clean.  Oh, and my energy feels really low this morning.  Hopefully, a workout helps.

I need to plan some fun in my head during the drive out.  I KNOW there's fun to find in Asheville.  I think it'll involve vegan takeout and thrift shopping.

I best get moving this morning.  I need to Peloton, pack and walk the dogs.  Speaking of dogs ... cute little Monti asking to play yesterday.  I love this little bubble butt.  Later gators.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Leaning Into Future Self

Yesterday was an interesting day in FS work.  My girlfriend canceled coffee (yep, she's the big cancel friend) with an excuse that read to me as "my husband wants me to do something else."  She offered another day, but I'm in Asheville, then she's away for a couple of weeks.  Which makes it all the more frustrating since we can't get together anytime soon.

Why is this FS stuff?  Because my response was kind, but I didn't placate the cancel.  No "it's fine" or "no problem" -- because I didn't feel that way.  Okay, we'll reschedule when you get some time.  Short and simple.  

Also, that left me with a day and no specific plans.  I wanted to be out of the house for the cleaning crew, so FS to the rescue.  What would my future self do?  It's funny because the answer is always obvious so I did it.  

Took a drive to the river hike where I found good painting rocks with the hiking group.  The water was rushing and loud and a little scary, but not dangerous (just scary in my head with the rushing water).  I found a bagful of painting rocks and took a little walk in the woods.  

Looks like GIANT painting rocks lol.

Rock bath

Waiting to be painted

On the way out of the park, I noticed a luncheon restaurant which I hadn't before.  It's one of several local locations with health minded choices.  It's getting easier and easier to find plant forward food.  I've been a lot better at paying attention -- it's fun to see what there is to see.  Maybe I'll give it a take-out try after a hike.

Then I drove to get pickup from a favorite local vegan lunch place -- ordered on my phone, super fast pickup with little people interaction.  

Last stop was the library to get my hold book.  I waited at the desk to ask why no notification.  She found the reason (glitch in the system) and "fooled" it to push forward notifications -- something to do with only one phone number on the account.  Glad I asked.  Glad I stopped.

Super fast read.  Already finished it.
It was entertaining.  Good library pick.

Came home to a clean house, vegan lunch and read the rest of the afternoon.  

A disappointment turned into a good day.  That's what Future Self is all about.  I tend to get my panties in a bunch over small things -- like social cancels that I take to mean something about the value of my time or the value of my company.  I know this is an old childhood trigger and I'm working on choosing a different reaction and different action.  Yesterday, I did a good job.  You are what you practice.  Goal is to keep practicing.

BTW, I emailed my Spanish instructor and passed on the month of tutoring.  I already made the decision and focusing forward.  Taking pressure off this Spain trip and making Spanish learning fun again.

Today is a mixed bag of stuff.  Spain excursion planning (starting it), maybe some outside time this afternoon if the rain stops early enough and house chores before I leave for a long weekend in Asheville.

Lator gators.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Putz Day Updates

Yesterday went as planned.  Knocked off a few errands and spent the rest of the day at home.

I finished Spare.  The juicy parts are all over the internet (of course), but reading it through gives a picture of his trauma.  He's far from over it.  I finished the book feeling sorry for him -- seems like he just wants to be loved and doesn't know how to get it from his family.  That said, what he chose to share is a bit strange and feels too woe-is-me.  There's very little acknowledgement of any of the good in his life.  This is a big "see how hard my life is" book and see how mean everyone is to my wife who is beyond amazing and just like my mom (everyone is jealous of her).  He doesn't seem to have much self-reflection, but he has reflection on everyone else.

I also finished Stutz documentary and give it high marks.  It's about therapy and this doctor's "tools" he teaches.  It's pretty funny too.  He gives a good interview on Armchair Expert podcast which is how I heard about it.  It's also the 1st of the 3 documentaries for my 23 for 2023 list.

I painted rocks in the afternoon.  Learning a few new rock prepping techniques.  Jessica Rocks (YouTube) has a lot of helpful tutorials.  This doesn't look like much, but I tried some prep stuff and it worked well -- new brushes AND shimmer paints too :)


Erie fog last night.  I let the dogs out and it was thick and creepy.  Looks like a scary movie in the woods.

The Spanish instructor emailed me last night -- finally, and now I'm confused about my decision.  I'll decide by tomorrow.  Dang.  A big part of the NO was her lack of response.  I think it's still NO, but I'm waffling again.

I'm meeting my girlfriend for coffee this afternoon to chat all things 2023 goals.  We'll meet at a Starbucks in a huge hotel lobby so we can be inside, but not near people.  This was a go-to during the height of the pandemic and doing it again today because the weather is crappy for outside and sickness is everywhere.

New book pick today and I'm hoping it's a library book -- just checked and it's ready, but I didn't get a text notification.  I need to figure that out or I'll miss holds.  I'm signed up for text messages so I'm confused.  It's a scary book so I need to finish it before I go to Asheville lol!

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Hike and Spanish

I had a good time on the hike yesterday.  Same guide, group of 10 women, good weather (before 3 days of rain).  I brought a couple of Happy Rocks.  It was 45 minutes away -- nice place to take the dogs and hubby in the future.  It was an easy hike with a  couple of creek crossings.  We hiked a little over 4 miles (instead of 5) because of a construction detour and one of the people in the group walked more slowly and we had to stop a lot for her to catch up.  

Center of labyrinth.
I left a rock too.

Pretty, even in the winter

Labyrinth instructions.

Lots of BIG deer.

Creek crossing.
Water proof shoes worked well.

Another creek crossing.

The rest of the day was productive.  I did some arm lifting, a short Peloton ride and a dog walk first thing.  SCS coaching call was good.  We talked about my thinking around Spanish -- I stopped making it fun in my head.  She helped me make a decision about class (nope, too many negatives) and gave me a few good Spanish study resources.  She's learning German and she knew Spanish was another option.  

Podcast called Coffee Break (start at the beginning as it builds)
I-Talki -- App with inexpensive tutoring or conversation practice
Chatterbox -- language app with free lessons or paid tutoring.

I painted a bunch of rocks.  Prepped a couple from the hike too.  Read more Spare and started a documentary, Shutz.  I reserved another couple of library books.  I think one will be ready this week.

Good day.  Horrible sleep though (monthly).

Today is a completely empty day -- I'm here for it.  I'll be feeling a lot better by tomorrow.  I'll putz around the house today and maybe head out for an errand or two if I feel like it.  Pouring rain all day -- we still need the rain, but the rest of the week is gloomy.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Out of the Gutter

Hopefully, this week I'll be feeling back to better.  I got my monthly last night.  Phew.  Doesn't bode well for a hike this afternoon, but I'm going anyway.  I've been regular as rain for 40 years -- this is one of the hardest parts, not knowing when it's coming.  It's heavier and harder than it used to be so I try to schedule around the first couple of days.  Didn't work out this time, but a hike is exactly what I mentally need.

Before the hike, I have a SCS coaching session.  Subject -- Spanish and getting my butt in gear.  Why am I dreading it so much and resisting it so much?  I'm getting diminishing returns on this program, but I don't have anything to replace it.  This stage of life I need SOMETHING.  Life coaching is expensive.  Therapy is also costly and it's hard to find a forward thinking therapist.  I'm at a stage where I don't want to relive old issues, I want to move forward.  That's more life coaching than therapy.  My guess is I'll stick with this for awhile.  It would be nice to have someone regular though, to talk through life stuff ... not have to only have a specific question each time.

Open houses were interesting.  Each house was okay, but with some issues.  Still looking casually until February.  It was fun hanging with the kids.

My youngest son's gf gave me a Christmas gift and I love it.  Comfy and the color is pretty. 

A couple more "found" rocks.  Not my favorite, but something quick.

On a funny note, kids were watching HGTV and saw this realtor who looks like she dressed as me for Halloween (said my son).  I totally see it.  My uniform -- hair up, glasses, dress and white trainers.  I like the idea that I have a "look."

Hope your week is off to a good start.  Later gators.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rock Painting and House Hunting

First, the house hunting.  We're buying an investment townhouse to rent to our son and his girlfriend.  They'll have more space, live in a better neighborhood, pay less rent ... and it it's a win for us too.  Today we're checking out a couple of open houses.  We'll get a realtor in February.  Their lease is up in May so we have time.  I think it's going to be fun.

I rock painted some of the "found" rocks.  I'm going back to the creek to get more flat ones at some point -- they're perfect for painting.  Since hiking is picking up, I'm adding to my stash so I can take a few on the hikes.

I finished Book Lover (Emily Henry) -- it was fun.  I started Spare -- so much detail.  I also finished Wednesday (Netflix) -- really liked it.

Hormones are in full swing, but it looks like I might be skipping a month again -- I'm late and my overnight body temp is lowering again.  I need to approach things differently.  Some sort of acceptance instead of fighting it.  I spend too many days feeling off.  I woke up again last night in anxiety and panic over NOTHING.  It isn't a good feeling and it's still happening this morning.  I keep waiting for this to be over -- holding my breath -- but I need to let it be here instead.  Fighting isn't working.

Hubby leaves on a business trip today.  I have a full-ish week coming up (which I'm ridiculously anxious about).  I need to remind my brain that this is hormones and to quit attaching the anxiety to what's happening in my life.  Here's what's making me worried ... life coaching session, hike, coffee with a friend, cleaning crew, drive to Asheville Friday.  Seriously??  I'm worried about it all.  Don't want any of it to happen.  I want to stay home, safe in my house, alone and do NOTHING, see NO ONE, speak to NO ONE.  See?!?!?  Dang.  My brain is looking for a reason for the feeling so it's focusing on anything it can.

Anyway ...

Peloton ride this morning and that should settle me down.  I'm also planning out the week and that helps too.  Have a good Sunday.  Later gators.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

Hopefully, it's a lucky Friday the 13th today (!!)

I have a few updates -- nothing earth shattering.  

Spare was delivered to a neighbor instead.  She said I can "come pick it up."  It's inside her house, but she works all day.  Okay, really?  Why not just put it on my porch or on her porch?  That's what people do -- they re-deliver mistake packages -- two doors down.  I guess I'll text today and arrange a pickup time this evening.   

In the meantime, here are my new starts.  Book Lover was on a podcast reviewing favorite reads in 2022 (I think it was Lazy Genius, but I'm not sure).  She said it was her favorite rom-com book EVER and she's a serious-book reader.  It's fun so far. 

I'm signing up for another hike.  Sign ups this morning -- Monday afternoon hike, same guide.  She must like afternoons and so do I with the colder morning temps.  I'll see if I get a spot.  It's a new place for me and that was a big plus of joining the club.

Inspiration pictures.  I saw this room makeover "after" and it's delightful!  I'd love a space like this somewhere in my life.  Nothing applicable for now, but when something speaks so strongly, it means it will come in some way, at some time.  Looks at this beautiful room!  I love EVERYTHING about it.

Hormones are a mess this week.  Oura stats are tanked still.  I need to figure out some better recovery options -- or more accurately, I need to DO what I already know works.

With hormones wacky, I'm anxious about everything.  Drives me nuts since there's no reason AT ALL.  But I feel anxious, so my mind is connecting it with THINGS.  It must be THIS or THAT.  Then I want to shut down, sofa surf and snack.  Did I mention that I can't wait for this to be over??  It's no joke.

The weather hasn't helped because I'm not outside as much -- rain, too cold for my feet.  Outside makes a difference in lots of things.

I'm so overdue for a pedicure, but I can't because my toe sores (chilblains) are still a problem.  Frustrating too.

Anyway, that's enough complaining.  Hope you have a good day with no Friday-the-13th vibes.  Later gators.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Movie and Books

A Man Called Otto was really good.  I liked the book, but read it so long ago I didn't remember everything (which is good for not over-comparing to the movie).  I'd recommend it -- be ready for lots of teary eyed moments.

I finished this.  Not my favorite from this author.  I'd say skip it.  Predictable, saccharine sweet ending while feeling depressing most of the book.

Next pick today and fingers crossed Spare arrives.  I'm not sure why my copy is delayed, but I can't wait to read all the juicy bits.  I consider memoirs a category of their own so I'm also picking for non-fiction.  I finished The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober (Catherine Gray).  It was written for alcoholics, but was still interesting (this would've been a perfect library book, but I already bought it).  Here's the non-fiction.  I have a few nature books in my stack.

Today is a homebound day.  Peloton ride, dog walk and lots of office stuff.  Rain is expected most of the day so it's a good day to be home.  Hubby's back tomorrow.

I did a Whole Foods run while I was out yesterday so I have lunch and dinner already made -- I like breaks from cooking days.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

First Group Hike

It was so much fun -- way more than I expected.  8 of us plus our trail leader.  We hiked a mountain I've hiked from the other side.  

Everyone knew each other from the group but were extremely welcoming.  They saw my "new name" in the list and greeted me by name.  I had a lot of good conversation along the route.

One of the more seasoned ladies of the group is also a rock painter and we got to chat about rocks -- she found a few by the water and gave them to me.  If they paint well, I've found a good place for natural rocks that are round and flat-ish.  Pictures once I've painted them.

We only hiked 4 miles because a lot of time was spent picking up trash.  It was a "volunteer" clean-up hike. 

SNAKE rock painting display.
This was the head and you add to the snake.

Here's mine.
I'm glad I brought rocks to leave!

Because the temps are going to be COLD on Saturday morning, I didn't sign up for the other hike.  I'll wait -- bound to be another soon.  It's a little disappointing, but it'll be in the 20s and my toes are still healing from the chilblains sores.

I'm proud of myself for signing up and going.  

Heading to the movies with a girlfriend today.  A Man Called Otto (Tom Hanks).  Otherwise, taking it easy.  I need to rest my back a little after 3 activity days in a row.  It's still wonky, but getting better.

Hope you're having a good week too.  Later gators.