Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Oura Ring Stats

An interesting thing happened in Hawaii -- my Oura ring stats went through the roof.  I hit all my indictors and then kept climbing.  

Now I'm trying to duplicate it.  What made me have such strong recovery nights?  Diet, exercise, lower stress?  All can have an impact.

Yesterday my mother reached out to me and, long story short, we are not currently speaking.  Even though I have boundaries and have dealt with her for decades, the text conversation hurt.  I went to bed and had a night terror (haven't had one in years) and horrible dreams.  My recovery numbers were lower again.  Could it be stress?  Or was it a harder Peloton ride in the morning?  

Still experimenting.  

I thought it was diet.  Clean eating and lighter dinner.  I did that yesterday though and my HRV dropped a lot again. 

Maybe it is stress -- either physical (hard workout) or emotional.

I have a lighter workout scheduled for today and, hopefully, I'll work though these feelings too (meditation).  We're scheduled to go out to dinner to celebrate youngest's birthday so I'll be eating closer to bedtime though.  (Although, hubby has a hoarse voice that started last night -- we might be postponing dinner.)

In other news ...

I'm chipping away at Thanksgiving prep.  Found the fresh, organic turkey and got the chicken and ingredients to make the gravy recipe (Nom Nom Paleo).  I'll cook the chicken on Thursday and freeze the gravy for Thanksgiving.  

Dogs had their yearly vet checkup and $700 later both are set.  Dang, vet care is EXPENSIVE!

Here's my Thanksgiving table even though I'm not hosting.  It's the October table with a turkey added :)

November is FLYING more than usual for me.  Blink and it's December.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

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