Friday, November 18, 2022

Asheville Weekend

I'm excited to go to Asheville today.  Not sure why exactly, but it feels fun.  Cold, cozy weather.  House decorated for Christmas.  Mountain walks.  Picture framing.  Christmas shopping.  Seeing my neighbor and new friend.  It all feels good.

I ended up running with Duke yesterday (yea, me) and made the gravy (and chicken for hubby) and did the bulk of grocery shopping for Thanksgiving.  Caught up with a friend in the afternoon who is one of the few people who know about my mother.  It felt good to talk about what happened and feel supported.  Not a bad day.

Given my unusually full schedule this November, I'm doing well with energy -- mental and physical.  I'm at an even level with hormones right now and that's helping too.

It's almost goal review time AND new list -- 23 for 23.  I plan to do a thought download about it while I'm in HH after Thanksgiving.  My aunt spends her quiet time drawing, so that's perfect time for me to make a sloppy copy of goals for 2023.  Inspiration -- ocean and my fun-loving, adventure aunt.  I'll also do a post reviewing what I did this year and what didn't happen and why (it's a mix this year -- missed more than I expected).

That's all this morning.  Easy workout and packing ... then Asheville.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

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