Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Heading Home

Good morning :)

I finished the simple decorating for Christmas.  As I was putting up lights, my eldest called.  Long story short ... Asheville for Christmas this year again.  I VERY HAPPY I came up to decorate.  A few more decorations in the living room too.  Taking advantage of Christmas falling on a weekend again and everyone spending it with us this year.  

Stockings for Asheville
so my family ones stay in GA.

Waiting for the picture over the mantel.

Lights and a few decorations.

Top of staircase.

I took The Ladies pictures to the framer to be fixed once and for all.  Yea!  This has been a labor of love (and sweat) getting these pictures hung.  It's worth it though -- I love the pictures and it's nice to have family artwork hanging in our family house.

Rode the Peloton and then raked and blew leaves.  That did a number on my back and gave me a whopper of a blister on my hand.  Fortunately, my back feels okay-ish this morning.  I'm sticking to a walk instead of a run though.

Quick pass though The Screen Door vintage store and got a table for plants (pictures once I get it setup -- left it in the car) and a little vintage dish for Asheville.  

Vintage Pyrex

Then home to rest my back.  I'm still watching The Great on Hulu.  

My neighbor finished the big picture for over the fireplace.  I'm going over to look at it before I leave.  I'll be able to get it framed by Christmas.  Yea!  I'm sure I'll love it.

That's the little bit of a bummer though.  I need to approve the picture before she sprays a setting spray which needs to cure.  I won't be up until mid-November again and wouldn't be able to take it to the framer if she didn't spray it ahead of the trip.  While I'm very excited to see it, heading over to her house completely screws up my morning plans.  But, since I really want to have it hung by Christmas, I'm changing up the morning.  

I know it's a very little thing, but this kind of thing happens more often than I realized.  Little things that push MY thing off the table.  I'm trying to do a work-around so my morning can be all the things too.  The problem is the morning was a long walk ending at a coffee shop (outside).  I won't be able to time that and still get to her house before she leaves for the day.  Anyway ... it was my decision so I don't need to complain AND bonus of having the picture earlier than I expected.

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

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