Thursday, November 17, 2022

Antique Market

I had a nice day yesterday.  Feelings still linger, but I'm working through them.  We had a fun dinner with the kids to celebrate our youngest's #26.  

I finalized plans with my aunt for our trip to Hilton Head after Thanksgiving. Assuming good weather, we're staying M-F.  It should be a lot of fun.

After yoga and a meditation, I decided to fill the afternoon with a run through the antique market.  I found a bunch of things -- so many things, I needed to edit before I checked out.  That hasn't happened in a long time.

Here are the finds.

Little table for a strange nook in our bathroom.
Still need something for on top and a picture for the wall.

Old scoops I'll use for potting soil
and fertilizer scooping.

Wooden tray and wall pocket

Vintage table runners

Set of 8 dessert plates from Germany.
Old Santa cookie tray.

Folding Santas

Wooden box with lids

All I "have" to do today is make a crockpot chicken dish so I can make the gravy for Thanksgiving.  Nothing hard about it, but it uses a lot of dishes for the prep and then the gravy making.  It's so nice to be able to do ahead and avoid all the last minute fuss of making gravy.  Plus, it's super tasty.

Plans also include a run at the park this morning, but it's COLD.  I'm not sure I have it in me.  Waking up this morning was hard (fell back to sleep after waking up too early).  I'm kind of in a daze still -- once I fully come around, I'll decide on a workout.  My stats were higher again last night.  Still don't know what caused the drop yesterday -- experiment continues.

Asheville tomorrow -- all the framed pictures are ready AND I get to take the big pictures to the framers.  It's all coming along.  I'm excited.

Have a happy day.  Later gators.

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