Monday, November 28, 2022

Drive to Hilton Head

My aunt is coming to our house this morning and we'll drive to Hilton Head together.  5 1/2 hours -- not horrible, wish it was a little less though.  On one hand, I'm glad for the company, but I like riding solo too.  Podcasts, phone calls, music, quiet.  It's the drive home I'm sure I'll wish for alone time.  

I'm always like this -- 5 days is a long time for me to spend with someone.  It's not something likely to happen again.  This was an expiring extra trip from our timeshare.  We could've stayed 7 days and that would've been LONG.

I'm not nervous for this trip, but dread feelings have come to play.  Why do I do this??  I'm really looking forward to spending this time together, but my brain keeps focusing on the fact that I could be alone and how fantastic that would feel.

Hormones are wonky again, sleep is off, mood is down.  Eeek.  I'm going to rally for this trip.  I don't want it to feel like a bust because I can't get my act together. -- my aunt didn't sign up to spend 5 days with a grumpy niece.  I'm expecting my monthly by this weekend.  

Focusing on Future Self.  It helps.  

I hate that I'm always bitching about hormones, but at least 2 weeks of the month I feel them and it's not fun.  Lately, hormones and wanting to be alone go hand in hand.  

Okay, got the complaining out of my system.  Time to pull it together.  Hope this week looks good for you too.  Later gators.

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