Monday, October 3, 2022

Weekend Recap

It was a nice-ish weekend.  Solid 50-50. 

Saturday went as expected.  Good to catch up with the HS girls -- it had been so long that there was a lot to catch up.  Cooking was long and messy, but I made the chili, falafel with sauce and applesauce.  Heating pad for a couple of hours while we caught up on House of the Dragon.

Sunday's hike was a re-do of our last hike.  All the happy rocks I left last time were gone - yea!!  I saw a perfect spot at the summit to place some next hike.  We had the place to ourselves for a few minutes.  It pays to go early.

Kids came over for the football game and we firmed up some plans for next weekend.  

One and done -- he hated the hat.

Things were a little prickly though.  Steelers played the Jets and that's a big rival in our family.  Our youngest doesn't often come to football games because he get so undone and his father and brother poke at him.  Jets won and that set my eldest off about how I have double standards for how to behave over football between the brothers.  Yes and no.  He wasn't happy and that doesn't happen often.

Then we made plans for dinner out next Sunday.  It'll be 8 of us and we'll pick up the tab given the dynamics.  That upset hubby who wanted to stay home and order a couple of pizzas but he was outvoted.  After they left I got an earful of bitch-n-moan over it and I'm sure that's not the last I'll hear about it.

I went to bed Sunday feeling off -- not a super happy ending to the weekend.  I had big awful dreams too.  Looks like my temp is up so hormones are brewing again.  Oh no!

Today is lunch with the book club friend to chat about her volunteering.  Lunch at 11 o'clock though -- nuts, it's way early for me to want to eat, but that's not the point of the meet up anyway.  I'm excited to learn more and wonder if this is a fit for me too.  And I love that she didn't cancel -- I wondered if that was going to happen.  She's a busy lady and this probably isn't high on her list.  I appreciate her willingness to meet and her commitment to the plans.

I have a few errands to run after lunch to get ready for the week.  So much fun, so much to do.  I'm absolutely covered in anxiety today -- I know it's hormones and I think too much sugar yesterday.  I made rice crispy treats, GF corn muffins and had some candy corn.  Sugar + hormones = I go a little nuts.  No sweets for me today.

I'm not working out this morning so that's a bummer for feeling anxious.  My back is tired and this is a big activity week.  Best to not push it.  I'll go for a neighborhood walk instead.

Here's a little Monday morning messaging.  Hope you have a good week planned.  Later gators.

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