Saturday, October 8, 2022

Quiet, Please!

Yesterday was another good day, but here's the kicker ...  my family talks non-stop, VERY LOUDLY.  Over-stimulation -- all day long.  I'm the rare quiet introvert in the family.  It was a rough energy day, but I did have a lot of fun.  I hit a wall around 4 o'clock though and it was rough for a few hours.

Today is the biggest hit because I'm sharing a hotel room with my sister who is top 3 talker of the family lol and adding to the group the (BY FAR #1 loud talker) -- my cousin.  Her normal voice is a yell -- no kidding.  People ask her to lower the volume all the time.

Anyway ... got the birthday cake finished.  Fingers crossed.

I'll do my very best to hold my energy today which includes hiding in my office for as long as I can this morning hah!

It's a whirlwind, but my thoughts need to focus differently.  What you think is what you experience.  I want to experience family connection and making great memories together.  Intention for the day.  

Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

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