Monday, October 17, 2022

Walk in Asheville

After Duke and I finished a run yesterday, we walked for a couple of miles.  I took a few pictures exploring an area I hadn't seen yet.  Trying to "be present" and notice interesting things around me.

Purple house.  It works in Asheville.

Love this old wagon.

Speaks for itself.

Clever and inviting.
Sit and take a rest.

Looked like a haunted house.

We drove with the dogs to South Asheville to the area that inspired us to look for a house here.  It was cute -- turns out all retail.  It's a nice place to take someone for lunch and shopping.  One stop at a local bakery for a super good coffee and homemade dog treats.  Then home for football.

I did a big chunk of the cleaning yesterday afternoon.  I only have about an hour to do today.

Our neighbors invited us over for a drink on their porch.  It was a nice night, but we didn't get home until almost 8 o'clock.  I'm looking forward to pjs and snuggle under a blanket this evening. 

I'm heading to do some antiquing with her this afternoon.  Looking forward to exploring a couple of new places.

New week.  Doesn't feel like a Monday to me though.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

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